The Truth About Hair Removal for Women
article written by Pam Kaur
I'm going to tell you a secret about hair removal that the beauty industry doesn't want you to know. Are you ready? Ok, here it is.
The is no single method of hair removal that is better than any other, and whichever one you choose will have major drawbacks.
It may not be earth-shattering, but this piece of information will save you years of pointless worrying. For example, how many times have we been told not to pluck or shave facial hairs? And what about choosing between shaving and waxing our legs? If you want the truth, don't expect to find it in the media. Big companies spend thousands every year extolling the virtues of their products, and magazines will print whatever they say without question. Why can't you use a razor to get rid of your chin hairs? Because it's cheaper than using depilatory cream, not because it's bad for you. In fact, the cream might even be worse for you!
Surely beauty professionals can help you decide? Sorry, you're out of luck there. The laser industry and electrolysis associations are at each others throats, sugaring professionals look down their noses at therapists who wax and let's not even get started on threading!
Whichever method you decide to go for should be based on one factor alone; how it affects you. If waxing gives you ingrowns, try something else. If laser didn't work then grit your teeth at the money you spent and move on. Weigh up the pros and cons of each method and see if it fits into you life and budget. Don't be swayed by gushing copy or by what you have gleaned from the many messageboards for beauty. You know your own body better than anyone, so trust your judgement.
Pam Kaur runs the popular website Beautystartup for beauty therapy professionals.
lasser hair removal
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