Laser Hair Removal - Is it Permanent?

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Laser Hair Removal Is Painless And Long Lasting
By: Jeff Jefferson

Who says you must keep the hair you don't want because of the difficulty of removing it?

Gone are the days of having to go through rigorous stress in removing hair from your body. I remember many years ago how difficult it was for removing body hair. Most people, especially ladies could not show off their sexy bodies because of their unwanted body hair.

Those days shaving was the best way of removing unwanted body hair. Despite the use of razor blades, it still wasn’t very effective. Even with the coming of electrical blades for removing hair from the body, we all knew there had to be a better way.

The fact remains that we all know that all your body hair will return after removing it, making the whole procedure cumbersome.

The painful and longer lasting solution to removing unwanted body hair was waxing, which works by plucking the hair out of the skin right from its very roots. Such waxing method lasts for longer weeks until the roots of hair grew back again.

Another method developed was electrolysis. This works by destabilizing the hair roots through surface electrical currents charged through electrodes which are implanted in the skin. This is longer lasting than waxing, but has its problems.

But now with the advancement of technology, it is now very easy and stress free for you to remove unwanted body hair. Apart from removing them, it is now possible to remove them for a longer period then previously possible, without worrying about them growing within a short time.

With technological advancement however the best method of body hair removal is laser hair removal. Unlike the others, laser body hair removal is swift, precise, and most importantly, painless. Also it lasts for a longer period of time.

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Youch! Hair Removal Trends, Types And Costs
Authored By: Chad McDonald

Unwanted hair removal is on the rise big-time. Studies indicate that about eighty percent of women and a surprising fifty percent of men have unwanted hair that they'd like to get rid of. Hair removal has been around for thousands of years and in each culture you'll find varying socially acceptable amounts and areas of body hair.

People desiring hair removal all want 3 things:

1. To get rid of their unwanted hair with less pain.
2. Remove the hair without spending an arm and a leg, pun intended, (:--).
3. Diminish hair regrowth.

Now there are several processes for hair removal and each comes with its advantages, side effects and associated costs as well.

For decades, electrolysis and shaving had been the normal practice for removing hair, with the downsides being very painful and time consuming. Recently, modern techniques such as laser hair removal have given the world a better way to remove unwanted hair.

Here are the methods available for hair removal:

Temporary: Tweezing, Shaving, Epilators (mechanical and electrical), Chemical Depilatories
Dwindling Amounts Of hair: Waxing and Sugaring (tends to reduce hair growth with time)
Permanent: Electrolysis (Hair Electrology), Laser Hair Removal

Depending on the specialist involved and the type of treatment you desire, the price fluctuates.

Here's a general costs guideline associated with the most popular types of hair removal:
1. Shaving: from $1-$25 for razors and supplies. Barbers or professional shaves are about $5-$30.
2. Waxing: now more popular than sugaring will run about $25-$75 for a home use kit and around $20-$200 for professional waxing in salons depending on how much of the body is to be done.
3. Laser: generally running several thousand dollars after repeated treatments and varied according to how much of the body is to be treated.

Overview and further information on the various types of hair removal: Shaving is and may always be the quickest and most painless form of short term or temporary hair removal.

Hair removal creams like Ultra Hair Removal, Emjoi Hair Removal System and Tend Skin are available in stores and can be ordered online. But be careful while buying the products on line and consult an expert to know which product is suitable for your skin type and location of hair removal. An excellent resource for looking into scams and products is a website called

Epilators are good if you have delicate skin. They are compact in size, portable and easy to use. Put bluntly an epilator pulls the hair out from the root and like any of the other methods has its advantages and disadvantages.

Waxing, although temporary is the other effective way for hair removal and can easily be done in the privacy of your own home. It does have many cautions though so if your not familiar with waxing make sure to consult with a dermatologist first. For best results with waxing let the hair grow out for 2-3 weeks.

General waxing tips and guidelines:
1. Wash skin to remove any lotion and natural skin oils.
2. Let your body dry completely.
3. Test over a small area first to ensure your skin doesn't have any adverse effects.
4. Do not over heat the wax or it may burn.
5. Pain reducing gels can be used to avoid the pain.
6. The wax should be applied in the direction of hair growth.
7. Pull the wax backward from the direction of hair growth rather than pulling upward or out.
8. Wipe the skin with a moist towel to remove excess wax.
9. Use a good sunscreen lotion to avoid exposure to direct sunlight after waxing.

Laser hair removal is another way to get rid of unwanted hair permanently. These lasers destroy the pigment of the hair follicle preventing it from regrowth. It can be used to remove hair from a small area of a person’s upper lip to full body back hair for men. Blisters or reddening of skin, dark spots and bumps on skin are to be expected after a laser removal treatment, but will heal quickly with almost no cause for concern. The major downside to laser is the associated costs. Repeated visits will be needed for complete coverage. Consult a laser hair removal salon in your area for further details.

For further information to hair removal consult a dermatologist in your area or stop in and visit one of the hair removal salons, I'm sure they'll be glad to give you more information considering your a potential client.

Written by Chad McDonald for people desiring laser hair removal or trying to find salons that do hair removal in Orange County.

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Removing Unwanted Hair - One Woman's Journey
By: Brooke DeAngelo

Hello. My name is Brooke. I’m a single woman in my thirties (or more precisely, 29 again and again and again and…)

Over the last 12 months I’ve tried more hair removal products than I care to remember. Not purposely, mind you – I didn’t set out to evaluate a series of products or write a comparison narrative – I just wanted to find the right product for me. And please don’t think I’m covered in hair. I have simple needs – legs, underarms, touch-ups in certain other areas… As it turns out, my simple goal turned out to be not so simple – and lest my trials go to waste I thought I’d share them with you, gentle reader.

I can only hope that you will learn through my experience.

Probably like many of you, I started off in my hair-removal life by shaving. I shaved all parts that I wanted free of hair. This worked well for years – or so I thought. Somewhere in my post-29 age, I started growing weary of the constant shaving. I needed to shave every day if I wanted to keep it smooth; every other day and I could feel the stubble. My tolerance for the inevitable nicks and cuts had been reached. Sure it was quick, but I finally started wondering if there might be something better.

First, a quick note about waxing. When I was in college, my girlfriends introduced me to this method. Or should I say, this torment? You have to understand, I do not have an exceedingly high threshold of pain, especially when it comes to my own body. Others I can inflict pain on; such as old boyfriends who decide to dally with the short blonde from the corner café, or who have an addiction to watching adult videos over the internet. But when it comes to me, my body is a temple and should be treated as such. Waxing, though effective in removing hair, rips it out like a band-aid on steroids. Plus, it’s messy and smells bad. I soon decided that was not an activity I would subject myself to on a regular basis.

Hair Removal Cream
After I decided that there must be a better option than shaving, the first thing I did was trot right out to my local store to see what products were available. What did I discover, but a cream that touted to remove hair simply by wiping it on, and wiping it off. “Ah-ha”, I thought. Now this is what I was looking for!
I bought the cream and brought it home (I won’t tell you which one, but it’s widely available, begins with an N, and rhymes with “hair”). Following the directions, I wiped it on, let it stand for a few minutes, and wiped it off. Lo and behold, with a little prodding, the hair came off my legs.

The story would end here, except for two things – the smell and the dryness. First, this product smelled bad. I thought I could get past that; after all, it removed the hair, didn’t it? But try as I might, the smell was just too great of a cost for the benefit I received. Plus, it left my legs feeling dry and chaffed. I decided there must be a better solution.

You might recognize this better if I called it “electronic hair pullers”. When I was at the store earlier, I had noticed some of these. When I went back to the store, I decided to try one. They all promised that I could go weeks between uses. I have to admit, the devices themselves looked a little intimidating. Staring at the trimmers made the hair on my legs stand on end. But I was determined to press on, so I purchased one and took it home.

Before I go on, you need to understand that I do consider myself an intelligent person. I have a successful career, get along well with my parents, and can point to several relationships in which my partner was totally at fault for screwing things up. Nevertheless, the only research I did so far in my quest for the perfect hair remover was looking at products on the store shelves.

I didn’t use my epilator when I first brought it home. Instead, I took it out of the package and set it on my bathroom counter. I thought, “I’ll let it get the feel of the place”, like a newborn puppy exploring its new home. “Then perhaps it won’t hurt as much as it looks like it will”.

My kindness was not repaid. By the time I used my new epilator, I had some three-to-four days growth on my legs. The stubble was palpable. And what I learned about my epilator was that it hurt. I’m proud to say that I used it on both legs. But in the interest of being honest, by the time I was done I was in tears. I couldn’t bring myself to repeat the exercise. That epilator sat in a box in my closet until I donated it to charity at the end of the year as a tax write-off.
I now know there are far better epilators available than the one I purchased on that day. However, much as I like the thought of a quick electronic device to remove that hair, I have not been able to bring myself to try another one. Maybe someday, but not today.

Electrolysis… and a friend
Discouraged, but not undaunted, I decided to do some research before my next foray into the world of hair removal. I had heard about electrolysis before, but something about it started to intrigue me more and more. Perhaps it was the claim of “permanent hair removal”; perhaps it was its documented history of success. I decided to give it a try.

After researching online, I determined that home electrolysis products – including RF, ultrasound, etc – are dubious at best. They may be effective, but you need to be careful and know what you’re doing. Better leave it to the professionals, I thought.

While I was doing my research, I shared the story of my quest with a friend. She admitted that she had been looking into laser hair removal. We both agreed to make our appointments with the professionals me, electrolysis, and she, laser), and compare the results.

I made the appointment for my electrolysis treatment session. Now, you have to understand that electrolysis it not cheap. Fortunately I was in a position where I could try it – but I’m well aware that not everyone could afford the thousands of dollars that professional electrolysis can cost you each year.
So what did I learn about electrolysis? First, it’s sloooooow. I mean painstakingly slow. A trained specialist inserts a needle into each individual hair follicle while applying an electrical current to it. The current travels through the needle and kills the hair at its root. Then they pull the hair out with tweezers.
Second, it’s painful. More than I thought it would be. The bad news about my epilator was that it hurt; the good news was it was over rather quickly.

Electrolysis hurts too; the bad news is that it goes on for hours. And that’s just for one session. You need to schedule multiple appointments and come back for more sessions for different parts of your body. The solution is permanent – but only after repeated visits. So if you’re serious about electrolysis , you need to be prepared to spend the next 2-3 years minimum undergoing these long, painful, and expensive treatments. I had higher expectations than that. I haven’t been back for my second appointment.

At around the same time, my friend scheduled her appointment for laser treatment. There are a variety of laser hair removal treatments – IPL, Ruby Red, IML, to name a few. They all share a similar approach; a laser beam is applied to the skin which kills the hair.

She had previously undergone electrolysis treatments, so she had a good deal of apprehension related to how much pain would be involved. She was much relieved to find the process relatively pain-free. There is a mild “thumping” on your flesh while the laser is being applied – kind of like a rubber band being snapped on your skin. And, the process was far quicker than electrolysis – it only took a few minutes versus hours with the electrified needle.

Drawbacks? Cost for one. The laser treatments she signed up for cost hundreds of dollars each – well over a thousand in all. Through my research I also discovered that the government recently issued a ruling that laser hair removal is not permanent – so the treatments (and cost) need to be continued indefinitely. For my friend, the benefit of quick and relatively pain-free removal was worth the cost. In fact, she continues her laser treatments to this day, and is quite satisfied. For myself, I decided to continue looking for a solution that would give me similar results but cost far less.

Back to the drawing board
By this time I was feeling very educated about hair removal. But where did that leave me? It seemed I had run out of options. Like any good researcher, I went back over my notes to see if I had missed something. In fact, I closely examined my first option – the hair removal cream. I reflected upon what I liked about it – simple to apply, simple to wipe off. And what I didn’t like about it – primarily the odor. So then I decided to do some research - on the internet, not just on the store shelves. Something I had failed to do the first time around.

Problem Solved!
After doing some research I purchased a different hair removal cream. And what did I discover? My new cream worked better than my original purchase, plus it supplied my skin with moisturizing nutrients and vitamins. Even better, there was no ugly odor that I had to endure! Soon after I first applied this cream, I discovered that I could go for weeks between applications with no worries of stubble. And the hair that does grow back is finer (not as coarse or rough). I finally found a product that meets my (perfectly reasonable but obviously demanding) needs!

My Advice
So what product did I settle on? This isn't a sales article, so as much as I’d like to, I won't reveal which product I settled on. It's been months now, and I'm very happy with it. I find it difficult to recommend a product to you, because your pain tolerance or needs may be different than mine. My advice to you is… do just a little research online before your next hair removal product purchase. A great source for independent reviews and product rankings is at Their analysis is well thought-out and you can access all their information for free. Take a look at their reviews and see if you can find a product that fits your needs.

I hope you can benefit from my experience without having to spend the next few months (not to mention $1,000+) trying all sorts of products to remove your unwanted hair. Good luck and stay beautiful!

Brooke DeAngelo is a freelance writer based in New York. An experienced traveler, she enjoys meeting new people and has a passion for the consumer. She has been published in a variety of magazines and periodicals. Her current hobbies include her dog Maggie, and her goldfish Wanda.

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Thursday, September 21, 2006

Consider Laser Hair Removal
By Ivar Rudi

Laser hair removal is one that you can take seriously if you want to get rid of that hair growing on your butt, on your legs, or on your back. The rates are not all complete, but the studies are showing that a real reduction in hair loss is what you will have when using the laser hair removal system. The laser hair removal system uses light to change how the hair follicle acts. As the laser changes the hair follicle, this is going to put a stop to the hair growth, lessening the amount of hair growing on the back, on the legs, or on the neck.

Laser hair removal is not going to work as well the first session on hair that is light in color such as blond or red, or on gray colored hair. There are no long-term results that can be stated with any real certainty because the laser hair removal procedure is one that has not been established for the long term, it has only been used for the last few years.

For those who have darker skin, that are tanning all the time, that are generally dark in color, or those who are using any type of coloring tanning solution you will be required to talk to your consultant about this. You don’t want to have the laser actually burn your skin or discolor the skin in any way, so talking about this topic before hand will give you the best informed decision.

If you are considering using a laser hair removal treatment that is not through a license practitioner you may find that if not done properly you could have the skin turn colors, and the hair is not going to be totally gone. Several treatments are required for any laser hair removal system to be complete and to give you the best overall effects of removing and stopping the hair growth.

Be on the look out for those who are claiming that the process is totally painless. There are some people who are going through the laser hair removal system that experience clogged pores, acnes and other problems, while others do not. The general considerations are that most people are not going to experience these problems or pain from these types of problems but you should also be aware of them. Guaranteed 100% hair removal is not going to happen – no matter where you are going for treatment. No laser hair removal treatment is going to be 100% on the first treatment. Many treatments are needed to stop the hair growth.

Copyright 2006 - Ivar Rudi. Ivar suggests you find great market for less by shopping online today. For more information and resources about this subject check out:

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Monday, September 18, 2006

Laser Hair Removal: A Basic Understanding
By: Kathlene Capelle

Laser hair removal is one of the newest cosmetic procedures available today. The process is to permanently remove hair from any part of your body that you wish by the use of a light at a designated wavelength, which is projected into the skin by way of a laser hand held instrument.

What the laser accomplishes, after it's reached into the interior of the skin, is to focus on the hair's pigment. The laser destroys the follicle of the hair but does not damage the remaining hair tissue around it.

While laser hair removal can be quite effective and has been so for many, it is new, and, as compared with older hair removal treatments, relatively untested. What this means is that we really don't know yet just how safe or unsafe it might be and the potential for side effects. The other issue with the newness of this laser hair removal process is that no one has used it for long enough to have continuity of statistics that would indicate the rate of response to the laser hair removal treatment and the rate at which the hair grows back after each laser hair removal treatment.

Two of the most important elements to consider in qualifying potential laser hair removal candidates are skin color and hair color.

1. Skin Colour. Light skin makes laser hair removal easier to perform. Due to the lighter pigmentation, the laser hair removal results happen more quickly. Fewer treatments are required, and better, faster results are obtained. People with darker skin can be treated, but results are slower. They just have to be content with the knowledge that it will take longer to see results and a greater number of treatments are probably going to be needed.

2. Hair Colour. Laser hair removal works best on dark hair. The reason for the difference is the pigment pheomelanin, which is found only in red or blonde hair. It is very hard for a laser to penetrate pheomelanin. On the other hand, the laser goes easily through eumelanin, the pigment found in black and brown hair.

Treatment costs can add up to more than $1,000 as multiple treatment sessions may be necessary to obtain optimal results. This is largely due to the fact that laser hair removal is most effective for hair which is in the anagen phase (the growth phase). Since hair grows in cycles, not all of the hairs are in the anagen phase at any given time. Thus, more sessions are necessary to target hairs while they are in anagen.

How much and how long an individual respond to complete hair removal by laser hair removal differ from case to case. So, no hair removal clinics can guarantee 100% permanent results by a certain period. Consumers are nevertheless well advised, to consult with licensed professional and reputable laser hair removal centers.

Kathlene Capelle is a writer for beauty tips and advice. She believes in harnessing one’s inner and outer beauty for self confidence and achievement to the fullest potential. For more articles, tips and resources, please visit her site at .

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Sunday, September 17, 2006

Back Hair Laser Removal

Are you a victim of back hair? Does your wife or girlfriend cringe when you take off your shirt? There may be help for you with laser back hair removal.

Laser hair removal is a trend that is sweeping the country. With improvements in laser technology, these procedures are safer and less expensive than ever, and the results are longlasting. Most treatments use a very low level laser that is targets the affected area. The energy of the laser enters the pigment in the hair and causes the shaft to heat up, killing the hair. The follicle is also rendered ineffective, stunting new hair growth. Although the hair follicle deactivated, the surrounding skin is unharmed by the procedure.

Of course, this treatment has many applications for men and women, but one of the most popular is back hair laser removal. Previously, men had to undergo painful waxing, smelly dilapitory chemicals or shaving their backs to eliminate the hair that so many women find distasteful.

Of course, the type and amount of hair will determine how much your procedure costs. Darker or olive skinned patients will require more treatments than natural blondes, and hair thickness and density varies widely. Different lasers are even used to treat different skin color groups, so be sure to ask if your treatment center can handle your needs. Prices typically start at about $200-225, but back hair laser removal can run much higher, due to the larger area being treated. You should also expect to return for several treatments, as hair is removed in certain parts of the growth cycle only.

Although it may seem initially expensive, back hair removal using laser treatments is actually cost effective in the long run. Typically the hair does not regrow, and most centers offer touch ups for the few that do, as part of the package. If your back hair is an embarrassing problem, invest in yourself and try hair laser removal for your back!

Kathlene Capelle is a writer for beauty tips and advice. Her site has information on laser hair removal, permanent hair removal, waxing and other hair removal methods. Please visit

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Friday, September 15, 2006

Laser Hair Removal - Chicago
By: Kathlene Capelle

Chicago, land of the brisk breeze and whipping wind, is also home to folks who love laser hair removal. Chicago residents are busy folks and quick to recognize the many positive aspects of laser hair removal: quick, efficient and permanent.

Laser hair removal can, for Chicago residents, rid them of unwanted facial, back, leg, and armpit or bikini line hair. The only hair that cannot be removed from a Chicago head by laser hair removal is peach fuzz.

Within six months of laser hair removal by a licensed cosmetic specialist, one should be rid of 60 to 95 percent of that unwanted hair.

For information on reputable, reliable physicians in Chicago that perform laser hair removal, the best place to start - as with any business or medical recommendation - would be to get suggestions from relatives and friends. There's nothing better than a recommendation from a friend, family member or colleague whose opinion you hold in esteem.

Your next resource may be your family physician. If these ideas fail, you can always get online and check out the various Internet Yellow Pages resources. In Chicago, the primary Yellow Page carrier would be Verizon, whose online yellow page listings are found at In fact, the results of the search did net a few good Chicago laser hair removal specialists.

Note also that laser hair removal specialists are not all physicians. Training specific to laser hair removal is offered not only for Chicago specialists but also for others in every corner of the globe.

Laser hair removal treatment training for Chicago area professionals includes the biology and growth cycles of the human hair, laser physics, safety concerns of the treatment and the best way to market the business of laser hair removal treatment.

One thing’s for sure in Chicago: laser hair removal is gaining much popularity. If you have unwanted hair that you wish to remove permanently, then you may wish to pursue laser hair removal as a viable option. Alternatively, if you are thinking of getting into a beauty business that is on an upward trend, laser hair removal is an idea to check out!

Kathlene Capelle is a writer for beauty tips and advice. She believes in harnessing one’s inner and outer beauty for self confidence and achievement to the fullest potential. For more articles, tips and resources, please visit her site at .

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Thursday, September 14, 2006

Bikini Area Hair Removal- Is Laser The Best Option
Author: CD Mohatta

You can remove unwanted hair using different methods. When it comes to bikini area, it becomes tricky for many reasons. The site is sensitive. Self-shaving becomes difficult. Waxing may be very painful. Electrolysis may be time consuming? Laser may be costly. What should a girl do? Let us discuss.


With shaving, there are possibilities of bikini bumps. Shaving has to be repeated frequently and the stubble that grows after shaving may be irritating. There are also chances of cutting yourself with shaving.


With electrolysis the removal is practically permanent. But some people find it painful. It is also quite time taking. You have to expose yourself unlike shaving but that also applies to waxing and laser.


Waxing can be very painful. If you are taking Vitamin A derivatives or using them your skin can become very sensitive and tear. Waxing is also not permanent and it is reported that some parlors reuse the wax.


This is a permanent method of removal. The hair may grow again but will be finer and less. Except cost, everything goes in favor of laser hair removal from bikini area. To know more about laser hair removal please click here- Laser Hair Removal

This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.

C.D.Mohatta writes articles on skin problems, skin treatments and skin care. For more information about how to have good skin that looks young and blemish free, please visit- You will also find solutions to wrinkles, scars, facial rejuvenation, latest laser treatments, skin blemishes and spots, hair care and hair loss and about keeping healthy nails. This site is dedicated to make you look good. For keeping yourself looking young and beautiful at all the ages find out more about different methods of hair removal

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Monday, September 11, 2006

Hair Removal - All Over Your Body

Author: Bodworx International

Today, a male body builder is not the only person into removing hair from all over their body.

Aside from the fact that there are more and more female body builders, there are scores of everyday males and females who remove hair from all over their bodies.

Both in the media and on the street, an obvious example is how many males and females are into head shaving.

At the pool or the beach, and even on neighborhood basketball courts, it's much more common to see males with smooth and hairless chests and backs. And even a few without armpit or leg hair.

And if you think about it, males in the media advertising underwear and fitness equipment don't have any body hair. They have it removed because the current fashion in this society is for males to be hairless.

Some would say it's about time they caught up with the females ...

But the truth is - Today's males ARE more aware of and conscientious about their overall image and removing body hair is a major means of projecting the most positive image. Besides, males have been learning what females have known ever since they started removing their body hair - There are some definite benefits to doing so.

Less body hair means less body heat. Less body heat means less body odor. And we can all support that.

But, perhaps even more of a benefit is the fact that removing body hair helps to define body shape. For females in particular, this applies to their legs. For males, their chests.

That's why when body builders are getting their body ready for competition, they use some type of hair removal.

And because there is such a growing trend towards complete body hair removal these days, we look to body builders and other athletes for information about the best way to accomplish it.

But even for body builders, it hasn't always been easy to connect with the, "perfect", hair removal product or system.

Before the mid 90s, body builders relied mostly on services employing people who became their personal body shaver. These people used a wet razor to remove the hair from the body builder's entire body a few hours before a competition. Then they'd oil them down.

After the mid 90s, body builders began relying on laser hair removal treatments. But that didn't really work out so well.

Partly because the high cost of the treatments took a big chunk of their competition winnings, but mostly because their entire body couldn't be made completely hairless in one session, or even two or three. So there was the time factor.

Then there were the unsavory side effects of swelling, redness and maybe even some blistering, that often kept body builders from competitions, even if they completed the treatments well ahead of time. When people started coming up with scars - that was pretty much it.

So many body builders returned to the tried and true body shaver.

But that's not to say that many body builders haven't experimented with a variety of other alternatives to laser hair removal.

The main laser hair removal alternative methods include: electrolysis, waxing, depilatories, and the old stand by, shaving.

Electrolysis may be the only hair removal method that has been proven to be permanent, and that would seem ideal for a body builder, but -

Because electrolysis involves treating each individual hair follicle, (the skin depression from which the hair emerges), it is also the most time consuming hair removal method. It can take years of weekly or monthly sessions to completely remove all hairs in just one area. And -

Because electrolysis involves inserting a fine wire alongside the hair shaft into the hair follicle through which an electric current and/or strong chemical is sent down to destroy the growth source, (papilla), at the end of the hair, it is also quite painful, even for mighty body builders, even with the use of a topical anesthetic. And -

Electrolysis has some of the worst temporary side effects - Swelling, redness, pinpoint scabbing and skin discoloration, and worse, the possible permanent effects of skin discoloration and scarring.

Add to all of that - Electrolysis is the next most expensive method of hair removal.

So it's easy to see why electrolysis is not a viable laser hair removal alternative for body builders.

A hair removal method that isn't as expensive, can last for 3-8 weeks and would seem viable for body builders is waxing. And because waxing can be done on the entire body in one session, it would seem ideal for a body builder, but -

Waxing basically involves applying a warmed taffy like substance to the hairs in an area, then cloth strips, all of which are allowed a moment to cool and adhere to the hairs and then the strips are very quickly removed, pulling the hairs out by their roots.

Obviously, this hair removal method is pretty painful, so a topical anesthetic is recommended. But that's not the real problem.

The real problem is that while the wax is adhering to the hairs, unfortunately, it's also adhering to the skin. Which means when the cloth strips are yanked off, sometimes so is some of the skin. Understandably, this leads to some swelling, rawness and redness.

Usually, if waxing is done several days ahead of time and they stay out of direct sunlight, a body builder's skin is able to heal for competition. Usually ... There have been some complications such as infected ingrown hairs and other infections that have left scars.

Which means waxing is not the best laser hair removal alternative.

A host of body builders use the hair removal product of a depilatory to remove all of their body hair. It's an inexpensive method that can remove hair on the chest, back, underarms, hair in the bikini line area ONLY and legs quickly, easily and painlessly for a few days, but - You knew there had to be a but -

A depilatory employs strong chemicals that basically, "melt", the hairs above the skin, which can then be wiped from the skin surface.

Problem is, hair and skin are composed of similar materials so that these harsh chemicals that melt the hair can also burn the skin and cause swelling, redness, bumps, ingrown hairs and even scarring.

So using a depilatory hair removal product is still not the best laser hair removal alternative.

Which is why many a body builder is still a body shaver when it comes to inexpensive, reliable and relatively safe hair removal that, when done properly, provides smooth results.

Sure, there's only one way to receive a, "razor burn", and that's by shaving. And it's possible to get scrapes, nicks and cuts, as well as rashes, bumps and ingrown hairs from shaving, but -

These are minor side effects as compared to all other hair removal methods. And they can be covered with make up if need be. (Yes, make up is worn by body builders, when necessary.)

And shaving truly can be done on any part of a body builder's body. In fact, if it happens to be part of their overall presentation, there's really no other way a body builder can achieve a beautiful bald head than by head shaving.

These then are the hair removal experiences and results of body builders from which the everyday person can learn.

Although there is one more method of hair removal for all body shavers, including those into head shaving - It's still shaving, but with an inexpensive tool designed to easily, quickly, and most importantly, safely provide clean, close, and smooth hair removal - All over your body.

Bodworx International presents hair removal product tips and the latest data for removing hair from your entire body. Visit them at their hair removal product website at for more information.

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Sunday, September 10, 2006

Consider Laser Hair Removal
By: bajazz

Laser hair removal is one that you can take seriously if you want to get rid of that hair growing on your butt, on your legs, or on your back. The rates are not all complete, but the studies are showing that a real reduction in hair loss is what you will have when using the laser hair removal system. The laser hair removal system uses light to change how the hair follicle acts. As the laser changes the hair follicle, this is going to put a stop to the hair growth, lessening the amount of hair growing on the back, on the legs, or on the neck.

Laser hair removal is not going to work as well the first session on hair that is light in color such as blond or red, or on gray colored hair. There are no long-term results that can be stated with any real certainty because the laser hair removal procedure is one that has not been established for the long term, it has only been used for the last few years.

For those who have darker skin, that are tanning all the time, that are generally dark in color, or those who are using any type of coloring tanning solution you will be required to talk to your consultant about this. You don’t want to have the laser actually burn your skin or discolor the skin in any way, so talking about this topic before hand will give you the best informed decision.

If you are considering using a laser hair removal treatment that is not through a license practitioner you may find that if not done properly you could have the skin turn colors, and the hair is not going to be totally gone. Several treatments are required for any laser hair removal system to be complete and to give you the best overall effects of removing and stopping the hair growth.

Be on the look out for those who are claiming that the process is totally painless. There are some people who are going through the laser hair removal system that experience clogged pores, acnes and other problems, while others do not. The general considerations are that most people are not going to experience these problems or pain from these types of problems but you should also be aware of them. Guaranteed 100% hair removal is not going to happen – no matter where you are going for treatment. No laser hair removal treatment is going to be 100% on the first treatment. Many treatments are needed to stop the hair growth.

Copyright 2006 - Ivar Rudi. Ivar suggests you find great market for less by shopping online today. For more information and resources about this subject check out:

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Friday, September 08, 2006

Laser Hair Removal and Me
By: tk

This is about my first experience with laser hair removal. It was... well... memorable. I hadn't done my homework. I'd gone to a cheap place that was on my way to work. It was a small shady looking clinic. They called it laser electrolysis. Money was the issue at the time. It was almost half the price of some of the others I'd glanced over. Unfortunately, it shouldn't have been the driving issue. Consequently, I regretted it dearly. The people there said, it would be painless and a sure thing. Permanent hair removal for good. Looking back, I realized how important it was to have consulted a qualified dermatologist first and foremost. In several weeks, the hair had grown back.

By the time the hair had grown back, the thought of going through it all again had nearly vanished. It wasn't until chatting with a friend over coffee, did it come back. She told me about how she'd found a good dermatologist. She had some skin and hair problems that'd been nagging her for a while. Regarding the hair, her dermatologist mentioned the option of laser hair removal, which came in two main types. One involved the actual use of a medical laser. The other type involved something called a xenon flash lamp. While it wasn't a laser, it essentially did the same thing.

As she was telling me all this, I brought up my own horror story - made me feel really naive. She told me that, there was no such thing as permanent hair removal, nor was it completely painless for everyone. Her own experience had been pretty good. She'd just had her last laser session. Experienced almost no pain at all. In addition, having fair skin and dark hair, had made her an ideal candidate, amongst other things.

So it didn't take me long after hearing this, to seek out my own dermatologist for a consultation. It took me a while, but it was well worth the effort. It was explained to me that due to my relatively darker skin tone, I'd have to be extra careful. She also gave me a more informative summary about laser hair removal.

Anyway, by the end of the following month, I'd booked my first session for the procedure. It hurt a little bit, but it was nothing like the first time. Plus, the staff there were really kind and happy to answer some of the questions I had.

Three months later, I finally managed to get rid of that unwanted hair.

This article has been brought to you by Laser Hair Removal Toronto

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Thursday, September 07, 2006

Laser Hair Removal: 5 Main Factors
By: -JD

Laser Hair Removal is one of the newest technologies for eliminating that unwanted body hair. It is quick, easy and relatively painless. So, what's it going to cost? Well, how laser hair removal is priced depends on a couple of factors:

1. Geographic Location. Of course, there are always going to be pricing variations due to geographic location. That's the case with just about any product or service. You will find that laser hair removal cost differ from state to state as well as from country to country.

2. Number of laser hair removal treatment sessions. This means, the number of laser hair removal treatments you are going to need to complete your desired hairless effect. The total number of laser hair removal treatment sessions can be affected by your hair color, your skin pigmentation (light or dark) and the thickness of your hair.

Light skin makes laser hair removal easier to perform. Fewer treatments are required, and better, faster results are obtained. People with darker skin can be treated, but results are slower, more sessions are required, and greater expertise is required on the part of the laser center.

Some parts of the body are more difficult than others to remove hair. Each person varies somewhat in her or his hair regeneration speed as well.

Prior to your first laser hair removal treatment - in fact, prior to your deciding to undergo laser hair removal at all - you'll meet with the dermatologist or medical specialist responsible for the laser hair removal. Generally, the more sessions you require, the more it is going to cost you.

3. Size of the area treated. Treatment cost varies with the size of the area treated. Large areas, such as the entire back, or the entire legs, cost considerably more than this. Small areas, such as the upper lip, can be less.

4. Type of laser hair removal equipment used. There are different types of laser hair removal equipment in the market. Also, do not confuse laser hair removal with intense pulsed light treatments. The latter can also produce effective hair removal. Although the devices used are not lasers, they are "laser equivalents". Both utilize the same principle of selective photothermolysis to achieve hair removal. Intense pulsed light devices are in fact more difficult to adjust than lasers and require great expertise for their proper use. Individual consultation with the laser center is necessary to obtain exact pricing.

5. Pricing packaging. Not only does the laser hair removal cost vary by area and by physician, but it can also vary in its pricing structure. Some, for example, bundle the laser hair removal treatment with other cosmetic procedures. For instance, some may include the application of a hair retardation product to the treatment area to speed up desired results. Some require you to pay a total package fee and yet others may charge you for each visit separately. Experienced laser centers, which have developed expertise in laser hair removal, costs an average of about $500 per treatment session. They usually recommend a basic four treatment sessions to start off with.

As treatment costs can get really expensive, you should ensure that you can well budget for it. However, please be advised to go to an established medical center with good reputation. You may pay more but it may be worth the quality of service and care that you receive.

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Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Laser Hair Removal Cost: 5 main factors
By: Kathlene Capelle

Laser Hair Removal is one of the newest technologies for eliminating that unwanted body hair. It is quick, easy and relatively painless. So, what's it going to cost? Well, how laser hair removal is priced depends on a couple of factors:

1. Geographic Location. Of course, there are always going to be pricing variations due to geographic location. That's the case with just about any product or service. You will find that laser hair removal cost differ from state to state as well as from country to country.

2. Number of laser hair removal treatment sessions. This means, the number of laser hair removal treatments you are going to need to complete your desired hairless effect. The total number of laser hair removal treatment sessions can be affected by your hair color, your skin pigmentation (light or dark) and the thickness of your hair.

Light skin makes laser hair removal easier to perform. Fewer treatments are required, and better, faster results are obtained. People with darker skin can be treated, but results are slower, more sessions are required, and greater expertise is required on the part of the laser center.

Some parts of the body are more difficult than others to remove hair. Each person varies somewhat in her or his hair regeneration speed as well.

Prior to your first laser hair removal treatment - in fact, prior to your deciding to undergo laser hair removal at all - you'll meet with the dermatologist or medical specialist responsible for the laser hair removal. Generally, the more sessions you require, the more it is going to cost you.

3. Size of the area treated. Treatment cost varies with the size of the area treated. Large areas, such as the entire back, or the entire legs, cost considerably more than this. Small areas, such as the upper lip, can be less.

4. Type of laser hair removal equipment used. There are different types of laser hair removal equipment in the market. Also, do not confuse laser hair removal with intense pulsed light treatments. The latter can also produce effective hair removal. Although the devices used are not lasers, they are "laser equivalents". Both utilize the same principle of selective photothermolysis to achieve hair removal. Intense pulsed light devices are in fact more difficult to adjust than lasers and require great expertise for their proper use. Individual consultation with the laser center is necessary to obtain exact pricing.

5. Pricing packaging. Not only does the laser hair removal cost vary by area and by physician, but it can also vary in its pricing structure. Some, for example, bundle the laser hair removal treatment with other cosmetic procedures. For instance, some may include the application of a hair retardation product to the treatment area to speed up desired results. Some require you to pay a total package fee and yet others may charge you for each visit separately. Experienced laser centers, which have developed expertise in laser hair removal, costs an average of about $500 per treatment session. They usually recommend a basic four treatment sessions to start off with.

As treatment costs can get really expensive, you should ensure that you can well budget for it. However, please be advised to go to an established medical center with good reputation. You may pay more but it may be worth the quality of service and care that you receive.

Kathlene Capelle is a writer for beauty tips and advice. She believes in harnessing one’s inner and outer beauty for self confidence and achievement to the fullest potential. For more articles, tips and resources, please visit her site at .

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Monday, September 04, 2006

When You Need an Expert: Laser Hair Removal
Author: David S

When it comes to laser hair removal, many times the answer you receive to questions you ask bears little resemblance to fact. The Toronto Laser Hair Removal Experts provide comprehensive answers to common laser hair removal questions.

A unique hybrid of spa and cosmetic treatment center is becoming increasingly common. Sadly there are locations that do not conform to acceptable standard of practice and ethics. Arming yourself with answers to some important questions is a strong first step in unmasking clinics to avoid.

For instance, according to the Toronto Laser Hair Removal Experts at laser hair removal treatment should always be performed by a licensed physical or laser doctor. Some facilities bypass this mandate. It’s also true that some clinics will guarantee complete and permanent hair removal. The truth is, multiple sessions may be required to arrest the continued growth of hair in the targeted area. The methods of therapy can never be a one time solution because hair grows at different rates which is why 5-7 sessions are typically required to treat the majority of hair regrowth.

Toronto Laser Hair Removal Experts pride themselves on the information they provide and stand ready to answer your questions by providing a variety of online resources that assist you in making an informed choice when exploring the possibilities associated with laser hair removal.

When you visit you will find a FAQ section along with a section for both related publications and personal consultation.

One of the most common frustrations for those who are assisting patients with quality laser hair removal is there are those who would seek to convince you that they are providing the same services, but may be utilizing Radio-Frequency Devices (RF) or Intense Pulsed Light (IPL). These methods cannot provide true laser hair removal - primarily because they are not lasers.

When visiting with a potential laser hair removal provider you are encouraged to ask what type of equipment they utilize. The two approved lasers are the ND-Yad laser (primarily used with darker skin types) and the Alexandrite Laser (primarily used in lighter skin types). Both of the above mentioned laser hair removal systems are considered highly effective and are the current standard for this type of cosmetic procedure.

One of the more fascinating parts of the Toronto Laser Hair Removal website is the quick link section providing the latest news in laser hair removal. This section provides further evidence that the goal of this site is simply to provide the information needed to make an informed choice.

The site editor is John Keller M.D. Ph.D. who is a board certified laser physician who operates a laser and vein clinic in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. A site linked Doctor’s Blog allows further information to be gathered while adding a strong human touch to

The experts at Toronto Laser Hair Removal Experts insist that you feel confident and comfortable with your choice in a laser hair removal expert. Some of the questions they suggest asking include whether or not you will be able to see an actual physician during your consultation. They also recommend discovering the total number of laser hair removal procedures the clinic does each year. You should also seek to determine if a physician will be performing the procedure or if a physician will be in the room supervising your treatment.

Should you be considering laser hair removal, you will find many of the most common questions answered at This site provides knowledgeable, straightforward answers for a treatment that has held promise for many, but has been routinely abused by ill-equipped providers.

This article was prepared for this laser hair removal toronto website

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Sunday, September 03, 2006

Laser Hair Removal - Does It Help?
Author: Mark Gardner

Since the 1990’s laser hair removal as given people an effective answer to problems with unseemly hair. It’s popularity since first being introduced to the general public as continued to grow as people look for a more permanent solution to unsightly hair. This article looks to give you some of the facts behind this modern day treatment.

During treatment, the laser emits a beam of warm light that passes safely through the skin and targets the unwanted hair follicles. This beam of light has enough energy to destroy the cells at the root of the unwanted hair follicles. The treatment is most effective when new hairs are starting their growth cycle. Thus, because our hair grows in cycles, several treatments may be necessary to eradicate the problem.

Generally, there is but a little discomfort when undergoing the treatment. Some patients have described feeling a slight tingling or snapping sensation. However, if you have any concerns, the technician can apply an anesthetic to the area to be treated. After your treatment, there may be a little swelling and your skin will look red, very similar to sunburn.

Your session will normally last around 10-60 minutes depending on the size of the area to be treated. Obviously a larger area, like your back, will take much longer than a smaller area, like your lip. You will also find that it takes several treatments to the area being treated, as the laser can only target the growing hair follicles at any one time. Usually you can expect around three such sessions.

The majority of people undergoing laser hair removal, are in the main, very satisfied with its effects. So much so, that many of them return for treatments in other areas also. It may not be the cheapest option, but undoubtedly, it’s one of the most effective. The costs vary from clinic to clinic and of course, the size of the area being treated will have a large effect on the fees you will be charged. But the average session would normally be around $400-$500.

Mark Gardner is a known authority on Laser Hair Removal. For more information and resources on the subject, please visit

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