Laser Hair Removal Treatment
by Rachel Gillespe
If you are considering any form of laser hair removal remember that it is important to go to a facility that has experience. Cost is negotiable, but experience is essential. You should remember that individual laser hair removal results will vary, depending on the person, so beware of places that advertise results that are too good to be true. You may also want to be wary of places that offer huge discounts trying to gain your business. Remember that cost is not as important as how experienced the business is and in some places there are state requirements that a person must fulfill to be able to perform laser hair removal. If you do not know the requirements of your state you should research and be aware of them.
If you are planning on having laser hair removal you should do a few things before your treatment in order to get the best results possible. First of all you should be careful not to do any tanning before your laser hair removal. You also want to stay away from beta-carotene, and any foods or supplements that contain them. They contain pigments that color your skin and this can cause a problem with laser hair removal. You should also be sure to shave a couple days before your laser hair removal treatment to ensure that hair is neither too long or too short.
While you are having the laser treatment done you will be required to wear goggles that will keep the laser from affecting your eyes. During the procedure a laser will be pressed to your skin, and then the laser light will be activated and the laser damages the hair follicle. This is supposed to make sure that it is damaged so no more hair can grow as well.
There are some risks to be aware of if you are going to have laser hair removal. One side effect that is quite common is scaring of the skin and some discoloration as well. This often is temporary, but can last a long time as well. You can also experience side effects such as burning, swelling, and redness of your skin, but usually these symptoms will go away in a few days.
There are also many advantages to have laser hair removal performed. You will no longer have to use razors on your skin, or any waxes or other methods of removing unwanted hair. You can also have large areas treated at one time and even if hair comes back it will not be as dark or thick as it was before. There are a few disadvantages and one of those is the fact that this procedure will not work for everyone. Sometimes certain people will require more than one treatment that can be expensive. If you do have the money though, laser hair removal may be a great idea for you.
About the Author
Rachel Gillespe is a staff writer at Women's Digest and is an occasional contributor to several other websites, including Wellness Digest.
lasser hair removal
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