Laser Hair Treatment - 10 Things You Must Know About Getting A Good Laser Hair Removal Service
By: Justin Koh
Laser hair removal is supposed to be a safe process, yet dubious claims and inappropriate equipment still lead to scams and injuries. Consumers themselves must know the ins and outs of laser hair removal to prevent themselves from getting cheated.
The following points will aid you in making a proper decision to get yourself ready at the clinic.
1) The sensitivity of your skin. A skin can be too delicate to be damaged instead of getting treated. A technology called CoolGlide can treat all known skin types. Consult a professional to examine and discuss over your skin and infection issues prior to treatment.
2) The degree of discomfort. Do not believe in a "no-pain" process. All treatment are bound to make you uncomfortable. However, it's not anywhere near the whip-lash pain of waxing.
3) The possibility of regrowth. Laser hair removal cannot possibly stop hair growth, though it can reduce growth rate permanently after hair cells are killed. If a practitioner claims to eradicate hair growth completely, you should ask for testimonials and get their proof upfront; it's in their benefit to tell you their achievement.
4) The cost. Depending on the area size treated, it could amount from US$25 to US$250. You may compare the price ranges of several services to get a good gauge. Ask for outstanding reasons that could factor into the overall cost, particular the overheads for their equipment.
5) Aging equipment. Ask for the type of laser used, whether it is effective, how long the practitioners have used the equipment and if there are newer models. You have a right to know.
6) Multiple treatment plans. It's quite likely to return for several treatments within 2 weeks, and then another separate session if necessary within a year to eliminate regrowth, but asking you to come back regularly without the fullest and sincere explanation on your case is simply an indication of ineffectiveness. Beware of such tactics that forces you to pay a lump sum in full. You deserve a good laser treatment as it is.
7) Safety measures. Laser, if abused, can cause damaging effects. Check what precautions are taken, like applying a layer of protective cream over the skin or wearing eye goggles.
8) The practitioner. Who is actually doing the treatment? The experienced doctor or some 'assistant'? Check that the practitioner is trained, qualified and certified to carry out treatments.
9) Ask for a test treatment. This is a simple request which practitioners have no difficulties to fulfill. Cost will still be incurred, but your initial experience with laser hair removal gets you in the know of how a typical treatment works and in tune with the clinical environment.
10) Get written information. Get a written agreement on all obligations, commitment and breakdown of cost from the practitioner to ensure that he stays true to the standard of service provided.
About the Author: Justin Koh is a freelance writer whose articles have appear in most major ezines. You can find his latest laser hair removal news and articles at You have permission to publish this article electronically or in print, free of charge, as long as the bylines are included.
lasser hair removal
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