Some Hair Removal Techniques
by Louise Wasa
Choose a clinic that offers a free consultation to determine if the procedure is right for your hair and skin type. Also notice that the laser hair removal is not completely painless and it is not certain to work 100 percent. After several sessions, about 95 percent of unwanted hair has been removed. One huge benefit of laser hair removal is that it does not require any medications, needles or follow-ups.
Compared to electrolysis, it is less painful as the laser only causes a slight burning sensation compared to the needle prick feeling of electrolysis. Laser hair removal is expensive due to the multiple treatments required. No form of laser is capable of permanent hair removal without scarring. But, laser hair removal is a cost effective means of permanent hair reduction. The best thing to do is consult a reputable physician, and ask many questions before you make a commitment. Know that laser hair removal will probably not result in the permanent removal of your unwanted hair.
Laser is a proven and safe method of hair removal so it can be used on your face, back, legs, arms and bikini area. This method is quick and relatively painless because the laser is absorbed by the pilous follicle not your skin. That is because the Lasers used in hair removal actually target the pigment in the hair to zero in on the hair follicle.
In the initial growth stage of hair, there is more pigment in the hair, thus the laser is more effective. So in this stage, permanent hair removal is very likely to work great and it will destroy the hair follicle and no new hair will grow. Darker skinned people have more hair and there are special lasers considered to be more effective when treating dark or tanned skin. In hair removal this laser energy is used to heat and burn the hair follicles. By the way, a laser is an apparatus that produces electromagnetic radiation using the oscillations of atoms.
Waxing on the other hand is a great way to remove hair from the legs and thighs and bikini area. Your skin will feel so clean, smooth and soft after this procedure. However, if you have any concerns, the technician can apply an anesthetic to the area to be treated. After your treatment, there may be a little swelling and your skin will look red, very similar to sunburn.
Until recently, it was best for those with light skin and dark hair. But with the advent of the new YAG laser and the reinvention of the IPL, even those with darker skin can get excellent results with laser hair removal. Also, your skin should be protected from the sun using sun block for about 4 to 6 weeks after your laser hair removal treatment. Light skin with dark hair makes laser hair removal much easier to perform. This type of skin will require much fewer treatments than darker skin.
The beam of light has enough energy to destroy the cells at the root of the unwanted hair follicles. The treatment is most effective when new hairs are starting their growth cycle. Some people are simply more prone to growing darker, coarser hair. The average treatment will result in approximately 2/3 of the hair being removed, with the success of the session depending upon the skill of the technician performing the electrolysis.
The second laser hair removal fact that you need to know is that this treatment does not come cheap. You better have a few hundred dollars to spare for each planned stint for this treatment like all hi-tech treatment is not for the masses.
About the Author
Louise Wasa always writes about valuable news. A related resource is Permanent Hair Removal. Further information can be found at About Health.
lasser hair removal
posted by Evie @ time 9:57 PM BOOKMARK THIS POST

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