Laser Hair Removal
by Ingrid Preube
Laser Hair Removal is "THE" modern way to effectively, permanently remove unwanted hair. With new techniques and ground-breaking research, laser hair removal therapy can be used by nearly everyone - on all parts of the body. Read on to have YOUR questions on laser hair removal answered...
There are plenty of resources and information on the Internet to help you with your own specific situation, and if your query is not answered please post a request in our Laser Hair Removal Forum and you are sure to get the help and support you need in your quest for the right laser hair removal treatment for you.
What is Laser Hair Removal and how does it work? At its simplest, laser hair removal is the process of using a laser ��" a high-intensity beam of light ��" to target hair follicles, causing the hair to be lost and in time preventing regrowth.
The pigment in the hair follicle is the target of the laser used in hair removal, and for this reason laser hair removal is less effectual on white, gray or extremely blonde hair. However, there are modern laser hair removal treatments that can be used for nearly all hair and skin combinations.
The laser treatment is most effective when it is used on fresh hairs that are just beginning to grow. For this reason, you will need a number of separate treatments of laser hair removal, so that all the hairs in the body area you want treated can be targeted just as they begin to grow.
This is why the timetable of laser hair removal treatments are so important ��" most people will need at least three repetitions of laser treatment, and you should ensure that you follow your doctor or beauty therapist's schedule closely to get the best results.
Laser hair removal laser treatment are probably the most effectual way of preventing or at least managing unwanted hair growth, but it is important to realize that no hair removal process is perfect. Laser hair removal is unlikely to remove all your hair in the treatment area permanently ��" most people have some hair regrowth within a year ��" but the good news is that hairs that do grow back are likely to be paler and less robust, and will also respond more quickly and effectively to repeat laser hair removal treatments.
Are there any risks associated with laser hair removal? Laser hair removal can be with confidence used on all parts of the body, including legs, back, stomach and even the sensitive skin of the bikini line and the face.
Lasers are highly powerful rays of light and they can damage tissue ��" however, the lasers used in hair removal are specially designed to pass with confidence through the skin, targeting the pigmented cells at the follicles of the hairs, underneath the surface, without damaging the surrounding tissue and the skin.
There are a few contra-indications, or circumstances in which a doctor or a qualified beautician will advise you to wait before commencing hair removal by laser. These include rashes in the parts of the body you wish to have hair removal performed on, and if you have recently had certain acne treatments.
Is laser hair removal suitable for me? Laser hair removal is suitable for the vast majority of people and most are very happy with the end results.
Anyone who wants to permanently remove hair with a method that is safe and relatively painless would certainly do well to look closely at laser hair removal as a possibility.
Ingrid Preube Laser Hair Removal Blog
About the Author
I'm a housewife and my hobbies are my husband, my 3 children and my garden.
Labels: laser hair removal
lasser hair removal
posted by Evie @ time 8:38 PM BOOKMARK THIS POST

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