Permanent Hair Removal - Say goodbye to razors
by Karen Wilson
For most of us the idea of ridding our bodies of hair, except on our heads, is nothing more than a dream. The thought of never having to shave, wax, use depilatory creams etc. would be amazing, and something we all think of as a chore. Is permanent hair removal actually accessible, and does it work?
Well there is no treatment available out there that will offer a 100% guarantee on removing hair on a permanent basis, but there are methods available which will certainly give good results to many people. It depends on the growth of hair, strength etc. as to how successful these will work.
Electrolysis is one of the most effective ways of removing hair permanently, although only very small areas can be worked on at a time. It works by killing the hair follicle to prevent it growing. Works well on small areas of the body, like the chin or moustache area. I t doesn't give everyone fantastic results, as studies have shown.
There are so many machines and treatments saying they will offer permanent hair removal, every few months someone comes out with something new, claiming to be better than the last one. Some are better than others and really it's a case of trial and error with lots of them. Until you actually try, you will never know which is going to be the most beneficial for you.
LASER HAIR REMOVAL The FDA has approved laser hair removal machines with permanent hair reduction. It has not approved it for this as with a number of treatments it can dramatically reduce the hair growth on the body. For some after a number of treatments, they will be rid of the excess hair they have to wish to be removed, for others it will be less, but not completely removed. There are laser centres and salons all over the country offering these treatments, and all are performed by a qualified therapist. With Laser you may find at a later stage you have a re-growth of hair, all be it finer version, and may need a few more treatments periodically.
Some are obviously better than others, and one which has very good reports is, Ellipse 12PL. No more waxing or shaving - this is the latest technology in permanent hair reduction. Ellipse is an intense pulse light (IPL) treatment, virtually pain free and completely safe. All areas of the face and body can be treated and excellent result can be seen immediately. This process is also known as laser hair removal or hair reduction.
Ellipse 12PL needs to be taken as a series of treatments to be effective. The number of treatments required depends on the areas treated and the type of hair. Initially, a skin patch test and consultation is required. Some companies will charge for a skin patch test, which may be redeemable against the actual treatments.
Waxing, Sugaring, Threading and Tweezing, are all methods we resort to in our quest for smooth, hair free skin. These methods although give instant results of smoothness, have a fairly quick re-growth rate in. Doing any of these repeatedly, over a long period of time, may weaken the hair growth so that it appears finer, but will not have the same desired effect as the permanent hair removing methods, such as Electrolysis or Laser.
About the Author
Most people prefer to explore their permanent hair removal options rather than deal with temporary measures, which call for repeat treatments. Zenlifestyle helps you know more if you are looking for Permanent Hair Removal Edinburgh .
Labels: laser hair removal permanent
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