Laser Hair Removal - Is it Permanent?

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Laser Hair Removal Treatment in Philadelphia
by Editor123

With increasing awareness among people regarding laser hair removal in Philadelphia, it has fast turned into the ultimate unwanted body hair removal place in entire Pennsylvania. Thrashing those age-old methods of hair removal like waxing, shaving and tweezing, laser hair removal has shown people a new and advanced way to get the best of results. Permanent in nature, laser hair removal can give you a complete look in just a matter of few hours depending on the density of the hair on the problem area. Many people have already availed the best of hair removal treatments through the laser hair removal Philadelphia centers. Now is your turn to join this league and get back your beauty and confidence again.

Laser hair removal is a non-surgical hair removal procedure in which hair removal specialists administer high intensity laser beams on the area to be treated. These beams target the hair follicles, burn them and stop any kind of further hair growth. Specialists maintain the beam at a constant wavelength ensuring intensity and pulse in order to remove unwanted hair properly. The process leaves only smooth skin behind.

The use of lasers in dermatology was first introduced in the late 1960s. However, the process of removing hair using lasers became popular only in 1997 with FDA approving it for commercial use. Today, this procedure is widely accepted and practiced the world over and patients are just getting the best results which simply waxing and shaving can't give. If you are a resident of Philadelphia, then the good news for you is that now you can easily find an affordable laser hair removal Philadelphia center in your area. All the centers boast of featuring the most advanced hair removal treatments, packages, doctors and specialists. The process of laser hair removal is very much comfortable and has no side effects. There is no need for hospitalization if you undergo such a procedure. The specialists would only have some spot tests so that you response well ton the beam administered. If you are allergic, you may need to have some more tests before getting it done for you.

About the Author
The article is contributed by a professional article writer, having experiences of working in different industries. For further information on laser hair removal doylestown and laser hair removal new hope please visit


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Friday, April 09, 2010

Learning All About Laser Hair Removal
by Ronald Pedactor

If you are looking to invest in laser hair removal there may be many questions that you want answered before you have the procedure done.

Before investing the time and money in laser treatment you will want to have a full understanding of the process.

The first inquiry that many people have is simply the question of why laser treatment is superior to other forms of hair removal.

Although there are many different personal preferences that play into the answer of this question there are some facts that seem to entice many.

Laser hair removal is a much more permanent hair removal method compared to plucking, shaving and waxing.

Removal this way can cover a large section of skin, which makes it a very efficient form of treatment as well.

For many laser patients this method of hair removal was also cheaper than continually buying the necessary tools for the other kinds of treatment.

The prices scares some people away, but it is important to add up the prices of your hair removal supplies and compare the two prices.

After understanding the benefits of laser treatment it is important to understand how the laser removes hair.

Laser hair removal is not the most common form of hair removal so, for many, the process is mysterious.

The laser is a light with a very high frequency that targets masses of hair follicles. When you use electrolysis or even when you tweeze you will only be targeting one hair follicle at a time.

After the laser finds the masses of hair follicles the laser will then damage the follicle so that it can no longer produce hairs. The laser is designed so that the only part of your body affected is the follicle.

It is very understandable to be worried about the skin surrounding the follicle. Understanding that the laser targets the melatonin that is in the hair follicle and will only damage that melatonin may help ease any worries.

There are different types of lasers that are currently being used in the field of hair removal. Each laser has different risks and benefits.

The first laser that is being used is the ruby laser. This laser is most effective when used on people that have lighter skin but can be adjusted to a lower setting if the patient has a darker skin type.

The second laser is the Alexandrite Laser. This light is most often used on large areas of skin.

The Alexandrite Laser can be used on a wide variety of people because it can be adjusted to the size of the area being treated and to the coarseness of the hair.

This laser can remove hair on a large surface area very quickly.

If you have dark skin or very coarse hair the best laser for your skin type is the ND Yag Laser. This laser can effectively disable the follicle of the hairs that are harder for other lasers to disable.

The final laser is the Diode Laser. This laser is used on a wide variety of people because it is so versatile.

It is good to have a sound understanding of the available options in lasers but it is also important to meet with the certified specialist that will be removing your hair and trust their opinion.

After an evaluative meeting the specialist will be able to tell you which laser is the best option for you.

If you are concerned about the time that the laser hair removal will take you should make sure that you address this with your specialist.

The time that it will take depends on the area that you want treated and the coarseness of the hair.

You will have to go back for more than one treatment. Hair grows in three stages and because of this most people will have to return between three and five times to see the wanted results.

Between each session you will usually have to wait about three to six weeks. If you are having treatment on facial hair you will want to have that done more often.

After the first session you will notice changes. You will notice that less hair grows back after the removal process.

You may also notice that the hair is not as thick as it used to be. If your body is in a state of hormonal imbalance the results may be different.

Laser hair removal provides a way to get rid of the unwanted hair on your body in a more permanent fashion then the conventional forms of hair removal.

About the Author
Ronald Pedactor has worked as a laser hair removal technician for 4 years and has written nearly fifty articles about hair removal and laser hair removal Arizona.

Contact Info: Ronald Pedactor


lasser hair removal