Laser Hair Removal - Is it Permanent?

Monday, March 12, 2012

Home Laser Hair Removal Gives You the Longest Lasting Solution
by Ellis Carroll

Ten Little Secrets THEY Don't Want You to Know About Hair Removal

You are done with the shaving, waxing and the mess. It is time to find out exactly which laser method is proper for you - Doctor's workplace, expert, or perhaps a convenient home system.


As an esthetician for more than 7 years one of the most requested services in our spa was hair removal. In the few years since home laser hair removal became an option, the units have gotten better, and these days one is six times faster than most Doctor's office lasers. It comes back to what's the most effective method for you. But the option isn't clear because the differences are hard to discover. In the spa, no other service produced more concerns, fears, and frustration.

Historic home laser hair removal discovery!

In addition to Doctor's office laser and esthetician spa treatments, girls since the time of Cleopatra aimed to eliminate undesirable hair to make their body more desirable. While a list of factors would include: smooth skin, greater femininity, medical, religious, cultural, and athletic. Most methods delivered short lived results. Even the hair burning machines like NoNo offer just two weeks before re-growth at best, and waxing is too painful for me.

20th Century methods don't work very long

Over 2000 years, hair cutting evolved to shaving. You can even buy a hot wire device to 'crystallized' the hair by burning, and that smells bad too. Waxing and tweezing evolved from sugaring and epilating. Today these categories include: waxing, tweezing, electronic epilators, depilatory creams and electrolysis. After 20 centuries, traditional home and spa treatments require repetition and only work short term.

Next, the quest for a perfect, permanent hair removal solution gave us the electrolysis treatments, one hair at a time. In four years you are done! I wouldn't hold my breath for that one.

The 21st Century practical solution works, but you might go broke!

The ruthless pursuit of perfection led to hair removal by Light Amplification by Simulated Emission of Radiation aka L.A.S.E.R. Engineers working with Doctors developed office use laser treatment devices that promised to be the Moses of hair removal. We could finally be free of natures curse, hair in unwanted places. It seemed like Moses leading us to the Promised Land.

As the data came in, it was clear laser hair removal actually delivered long term results. Several companies within the US and Europe went to work on building affordable systems for home use. Well, it turns out laser is not for everyone. Why? Because of type and pigmentation of skin.

Hair science 101

There are two points that you must consider when buying a home laser hair removal device. Those are follicle phase and hair pigmentation.

Your hair cycles between an active phase and a dormant phase that is not predictable with certainty. This means each hair has a mind of its own on when to go dormant. There's another factor: how long will the hair be inactive? Only active hairs can effectively be eliminated by the laser. So, to zap all the little critters takes a number of treatments to catch 'em when they are active!

The second point is the color of the hair vs your skin. Due to the way the laser light is absorbed by the actual hair, the hair pigment must differ significantly from the skin pigment. If your hair is too light or has little pigment, the laser might not detect it. If your skin is too dark the laser could cause your skin to overheat. The combination of blond hair and a dark suntan are not good for laser treatments.

At least six laser treatments are required at 2-4 week intervals to do a good job of permanent hair removal. In the doctor's office these treatments cost upwards of several thousand dollars to treat legs, arms and armpits. For most persons this budget is out of reach and they settle for some lesser method. Nowadays there are alternative for home laser hair removal.

Stop the promises, just give us proven results, value and quality!

Today several companies offer permanent products that are effective, safe, and FDA approved for home use. Choosing a permanent hair removal solution that's right for you is no easy task. So I have done the research for you and put it into a free report titled, "The 10 Little Secrets THEY Don't Want You to Know about Hair Removal". Here's one of my little Secrets to help you determine what's right for you .

Q. Which home laser hair removal process delivers the results that last longest?

Admit it. We dream of a permanent solution, and finally it's affordable! Exactly how do you to determine which laser hair removal method lasts the longest? This is a common question that comes up frequently when considering a Doctor's office laser, the spa, or perhaps a home use unit.

Know for sure that laser lasts the longest and is truly permanent. It's pain free and destroys the hair follicles at the root. Remember the growth cycle of hair requires that you must treat the follicles when the hair is actively growing. So, even this permanent method requires repeat treatments until all the follicles get treated within the active phase.

Home laser hair removal really is permanent, convenient and now it's cost effective.

So which one is best for you: Doctors office laser, or one of these home laser hair removal use products? Can a home use unit deliver results that for a fraction of the cost? And will you be able to do this yourself in the privacy of your own home? There are so many home laser hair removal kits on the market that making a choice can be a tricky task. On my site, you will find many reviews of at home laser hair removal machines to help you take the guesswork and decides out of choosing a home machine.

About the Author

If you're considering Home Laser Hair Removal and you are done with burning the hairs, waxing and epilating, get advice that can help you make up your mind. The FDA approved home lasers are really good, dermatologist recommended, and some offer faster treatments.


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