Laser Hair Removal - Is it Permanent?

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Laser Hair Removal For Women
By Mansi Aggarwal

Earlier removal of unwanted hair was a nightmare for most of the women. There were various options for removing the unwanted hair like waxing, sharp razors, dirty smelling hair removal creams and painful electrolysis process but all of them are either very time consuming or painful process.

But today things have changed completely. Advanced technology is used to get rid of the unwanted hair. The laser hair removal is fast becoming one of best ways of getting rid of the unwanted hair. The process is not painful and the best thing is that it is permanent. Imagine just a few visits to the specialists and you are free of the unwanted hair. So the next time you go out you need not worry about those hair removing creams, razors or hot wax.


Hair is important for every woman but on the other hand every woman wants to get rid of the unwanted hair growth. Basically the hair grows inside a hair bulb deep in the hair follicle. Follicle may be a small part, but for most of the people it hardly stops growing throughout their life.There are three stages of hair growth which are:

. Anagen (the growing phrase)

.catagen (the intermediate phrase)

.Telogen (the shedding phrase)

Anagen: This phrase is also called the growing phrase. In this period the hair follicle grows to about 6 inches in a year. The hair follicles that of eyelashes, arms and legs have a growing stage of only few months, so the hair they produce are short.

Catagen: This is also called the transitional stage, in which the hair follicle becomes smaller as the lower portions of the follicle are absorbed by the body, and ceases to make hair.

Telogen: This is also called the resting stage. After two to three months of resting the hair starts falling. At the end of the resting stage, the old hair falls out, the follicle enlarges, and a new growth cycle starts and a new hair shaft begins to grow.


1. Is the laser hair removal effective and safe?

Laser hair removal is a very safe and effective way to get rid of the unwanted hair. The treatment is done taking in mind the different skin types. Proper precautions should be taken before and after the treatment. The treatment should always be done under proper medical professional.

2. How does the laser remove hair?

The hair removal works when the hair growth is on the catagen stage. The light emitted by the laser is absorbed by the pigment in the hair follicle.The light is pulsed for only a fraction of second so that it is absorbed by the hair follicle, thereby damaging it and reducing hair growth.

3. What body parts the laser hair removal can work on?

The laser hair removal is safe enough to work on all parts of the body. Be it arms, legs, underarms, face, back, upper lip and bikini line.

4. Is the treatment expensive?

The treatment cost varies depending on the body part where the treatment has to be done. Laser centers which are experienced in this field charge around $500 per session. The sessions depend on the body part where treatment has to be taken. Treatment on larger areas increases the cost and for the smaller areas the cost reduces.

Mansi Aggarwal recommends you visit laser hair for women for more information.

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Monday, May 29, 2006

Laser Hair Removal in California
By Gary Holdon

California is often referred to as the place to see and be seen. Hundreds of miles of coast as well as world-class resorts cover the state. It's the place to put on the swimsuit and lay out in the sun soaking up the warm weather and liberal atmosphere. For many people though they are concerned about unsightly hair that may cover parts of their body. Instead of enjoying the surf and sun they are embarrassed because of the hair that covers their back, thighs or other parts of their body. Thanks to advances in laser hair removal, that embarrassment is becoming a thing of the past.

Laser hair removal in CA is becoming as routine as going to the dentist. Many licensed and qualified clinics are opening all over the sunshine state. They can treat any area of the body except the area that immediately surrounds the eyes. The most common areas requested are the face, upper lip, neck, chest, periareolar, underarms, back, abdomen, bikini line, and legs. In as little as two or three treatments you can have permanent removal of unsightly hair with little or no adverse after effects.

Patients wishing to explore this option should consult with local practitioners to see if they are a candidate. Successful candidates will have hair that is darker than their skin and have light colored skin. Treatment is not suitable for those with tanned or darkened skin because of concerns about the amount of laser absorption into the skin.

So get out and enjoy those beaches, surf the waves and relax at the spa. Don't let unsightly hair hold you back from letting you enjoy the many outdoor recreational opportunities the sunshine state has to offer.

Gary Holdon is a writer and internet publisher who likes to write about laser hair removal as well as fitness and beauty issues in general. Check out his news and in depth information website

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Sunday, May 28, 2006

Laser Hair Removal - Common Questions Answered
By Oliver Turner

When it comes to body hair removal, a laser hair removal treatment is by far the most effective and permanent method available. In order to understand this procedure further, listed below we have the top 5 questions and answers about lazer hair removal.

1. How does lazer hair removal work?
A laser hair removal treatment uses specially designed laser to heat the hair follicles and render them inactive. The energy from the lasers used is absorbed by the pigment in the hair shaft otherwise known as melanin and any subsequent hair that grows from this hair follicle will be much lighter in color. After a number of treatments many people find that their lazer hair removal treatments have produced permanent hair removal results.

2. Can anyone have lazer hair removal carried out?
Although skin color and type will affect lazer hair removal, this is only in the amount of treatments that will be required. Darker hair is easier to treat than lighter hair.

3. What areas of the body can I have lazer hair removal on?
Lazer hair removal can be carried out on almost every part of the body except the eye area. This treatment is suitable for both men and women and the most common areas treated are the upper lip, underarms, bikini area, legs, chest, back, and face.

4. What makes lazer hair removal so popular?
The main reason behind the popularity of lazer hair removal has to be the permanent hair removal results that can be achieved. A laser hair removal treatment is also virtually pain free and when compared with other body hair removal options such as shaving, plucking and waxing there really is no comparison.

5. Are there any side effects?
The only side effect that you may be likely to experience after a laser hair removal treatment is a slight reddening of the skin. This usually lasts for approximately 20 minutes but will depend on your skin sensitivity.

We have made the most comprehensive research on laser hair removal. Check it out on the Lazer hair removal research. All about laser hair removal on LeanderNet -

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Friday, May 26, 2006

Information On Laser Hair Removal – What You Should Know
By Oliver Turner

When it comes to information on laser hair removal there are some specific things that everyone should know. The first piece of information on laser hair removal that you should know is that lasers are not for everyone and in order to carry out these procedures you must be fully qualified.

Lasers were introduced as a rapid but gentle way to permanently remove unwanted body hair and have become a huge success worldwide for both men and women. As previously mentioned lazer hair removal is not for everyone and a consultation for your skin tone and pigment is required. It is vital that the hair to be removed be darker than the surrounding skin. Light skin is the preferred choice for lazer hair removal and fewer treatments will be required. Darker skin can be treated but the results take longer and more sessions will be required.

For lazer hair removal, dark hair is much easier to treat and this is because dark hair absorbs more of the lasers energy and coarse dark hair is the best. Blonde and red hair is the most difficult to treat and a number of sessions will be required in order to achieve permanent body hair removal.

Permanent body hair removal using lasers can be carried out all over the body. Some of the most common areas where body hair removal is carried out are the face, neck, chest, upper lip, underarms, back, legs, and bikini line.

Using lasers for permanent body hair removal may sound ideal but another important point that should be considered is the cost of laser hair removal. This treatment can vary but the average cost is approximately $500 per session and there are usually between 4 and 6 sessions required.

Having information on laser hair removal is essential and knowing what skin type or hair type is required is the first step. If you choose to undergo lazer hair removal then your next step should be to find out what the procedure involves and how to prepare for it.

We offer the best laser hair removal source. Check us out on Cost of laser hair removal and other important issues – The laser hair removal site. All about laser hair removal on LeanderNet -

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Thursday, May 25, 2006

Hair Removal: IPL Hair Removal
by Tamra Cantar

IPL Hair Removal Therapy A Permanent Hair Removal Solution

IPL, or Intense Pulse Light, hair removal is a popular method of removing unwanted hair from the body, particularly from the face and eyebrows. IPL therapy works by focusing a high frequency ray of light directly onto the hair shaft. The light depletes the hair follicle of moisture, causing it to burn up and die. Because IPL hair removal therapy eliminates the unwanted hair from the hair root to the tip, IPL has proven to be a very effective long-term hair removal technique.

IPL hair removal therapy is one of the more expensive hair removal methods available. Therefore, it is important that you educate yourself about the facts before making the financial and time investment into IPL therapy. Read on for some important information.

For those individuals looking for a more permanent solution for hair reduction, IPL hair removal just might be the answer. IPL hair removal eliminates the hair all the way to the root by dissolving or burning the hair follicle. When the light reaches the root, it not only eliminates the hair, but it also sends a shock to the base in which the root grows. When the light comes into contact with the skin in the base, it welds it together, stopping the flow of blood. As the flow of blood to the area ceases, the hair root can no longer get the nutrients it needs to grow into a full length of hair. Thus, the hair is permanently removed.

Often, it takes more than one treatment to fully remove the unwanted hair using IPL therapy. When the light welds the skin, it usually does not weld the full area in the base. Blood can still flow to the hair shaft and follicle. Yet because the area will be partially welded, the hair will grow back lighter and less thick. This process will lead to a dramatic reduction in the amount and coarseness of hair, ultimately leading to its permanent removal.

Because IPL therapy works with lasers, or high intensity light, the hair follicle needs to have some color that the light can, essentially, cling to. Therefore, IPL hair removal therapy will not work with blond or light brown hairs as well as with darker hairs. However, IPL hair removal therapy can help to reduce the coarseness of all hair, including blond and light brown follicles.

There is some debate as to whether IPL therapy can lead to scarring. Those nurse practitioners in favor of electrolysis will tell you that IPL therapy is unsafe because the laser is pointed directly at the skin and can burn it. Those in favor of IPL therapy protest that electrolysis tends to be the more dangerous hair removal process.

The best thing for you to do to ensure your own safety is to test the method you'd prefer on a small patch of skin elsewhere on your body. Wait several days to observe the results of the therapy before making your decision. Remember: especially with the face, scarring is permanent. Though there are methods available to correct scarring, it will never fully go away.

If you are looking for a permanent or semi-permanent long-term hair removal method, IPL hair removal therapy could be right for you. Consult a local esthetician for more information and pricing.

Tamra Cantar is a freelance writer on topics of interest and has a website dedicated to providing the visitor with useful information and resources for hair removal. Visit Hair Removal Systems for more articles and information on IPL and other hair removal techniques.

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Monday, May 22, 2006

Understanding Laser Hair Removal
By Nicola Kennedy

If you have heard about laser hair removal, then you are likely to be one of the many that believe it is an easy way to get rid of unwanted hair. Although many people do find great success with the treatments, others will need several to succeed. And, there is no real way to know how you will react to the laser treatment until you have it.

Who Should Have It?

The ideal candidate for laser hair removal is the person who has dark colored hair. The darker the hair the more likely it is that the laser can remove it permanently. With that goes the pigment color of the skin. Individuals who have a dark complexion will not be ideal candidates because the hair is harder to see. Light skin, dark hair is the best situation to find yourself in.

You will also need to have a good budget. Sessions of laser hair removal can last upwards of several hours and will require several thousand dollars to complete. If you need multiple treatments, that too can become even more costly. The average is four visits per person.

Melanin is the pigment that gives hair color. You will need the melanin to be able to absorb the energy from the laser and then incorporate the heat into the follicle. The heat will actually kill off the follicle, making it impossible for hair to re-grow. Also, those who have a dark colored skin tone have more melanin, it is necessary to insure that the process will still work well. To help this, a cold compress will be used to keep the affected area cool. The laser will not target the cold areas which are important for it to work properly.

The skin can be kept cool in another way as well. This is multi pulsing laser technology. Laser energy is pulsed or interrupted, rather than streamed. That means there is less heat which helps to cool and at the same time, protect the skin. Other laser removal devices include: Alexandrite, a long pulse laser; Diode, which generally is used on darker skin; Q-Switched Nd:YAG, which delivers two wavelengths that work on both deep and near-surface follicles; and Ruby, that as the name implies, consists of red laser beams capable of targeting melanin.

There are a number of excellent resources on the internet that will help you to discover why or why not laser hair removal is the right solution for you.

As a beauty consultant Nicola is always evaluating new products. Visit her site at for resources, views and information about hair removal.

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Friday, May 19, 2006

Body Hair Removal Techniques: What Options Are There?
By Nicola Kennedy

Is there a way to remove body hair from the entire body? Today, many people are looking at ways to effectively remove the hair that is growing from every part of the body, from the face and neck all the way down to the toes. Is it safe to do this? Yes, in most cases, body hair can be removed without any problems what so ever. And, it can be quite successful as well. While you may need to call in a professional to help you, chances are there is a way to get rid of the hair on your body.

A Costly, But Good Option

One of the most effective ways of removing hair from the body in a permanent fashion is through laser hair removal. This can be done rather easily, actually. If you can afford to have it done, you should. It is able to remove hair faster than, say electrolysis because it can deal with several hair folicles at once, rather than each individually. Laser hair removal is an effective treatment that will work for most areas of the body including the arms and legs, the chest and the back.

But, it will cost you. Laser hair removal, as effective as it is, costs several thousands of dollars. And, it will take several treatments before the entire area will be completed. In some cases, hairs will re-grow and will need additional attention.

Less Permanent, Less Costly

Another method of hair removal is through waxing. Yes, it is less expensive, but it is also not permanent. And, it can hurt a bit too. To work, a layer of wax is placed onto the skin where the hair to be removed is located. Then, when the wax hardens just enough, it is quickly pulled away. The hair is removed, down to the root. You can do this at home, but it can be faster, more effective as well as offer better results when done professionally. The hair will re-grow, but it will take several weeks for it to do so. Waxing can be painful, but usually only for a few seconds and it is quite effective at removing hair from the follicle.

So, which is the best option for you? If you can afford to go with a laser treatment, it will work better for you in the long run. If you can handle a few painful seconds and a lower cost, waxing is a great hair removal method.

There are many online resources that can help you with information about hair removal.

As a beauty consultant Nicola is always evaluating new products. Visit her site at for resources, views and information about body hair removal.

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Thursday, May 18, 2006

Laser Hair Removal Versus Electrolysis
By: Mark Bensen

While electrolysis has been around for many years, laser hair removal is becoming a viable option for many. We’ll take a look at both methods of hair removal and help you determine the best for your situation and needs.

The newest hair removal method to be put on the market is laser hair removal. Since advancements of all types of procedures using lasers have become more and more advanced in recent years, it is no surprise that lasers are now being used to remove hair. A wavelength of energy is omitted by the laser, working to kill the hair from its base.

The most appealing characteristic of laser hair removal is that after a small number of treatments your hair should be completely dead and you will never have to worry about hair on that specific portion of your body again. Laser hair removal treatments can be spread out farther than other types of hair removal treatment since the laser hair removal process slows the growth of hair.

Laser hair removal may seem like the most appealing hair removal procedure but there is a downside. Since laser hair removal is a relatively new procedure and can be high in demand compared to the number of specialists licensed to practice the procedure, the cost of laser hair treatments can be relatively high. In comparison to the other methods of hair removal, laser hair removal is by far the most costly.

A method similar to laser hair removal but that has been around much longer is that of electrolysis. When removing hair by electrolysis, the technician uses a needle that projects an electric current into the hair follicle, killing it at the root. By sending the current directly to the root of the hair follicle it prevents hair from growing back in the same spot.

Although it may take longer than laser hair removal, electrolysis is another way to permanently remove hair in a certain area. Like laser hair removal, this takes a number of repeat appointments for treatment. Electrolysis often requires treatment for anywhere up to a year to a year and a half for the hair to be completely removed. Like laser hair treatment, electrolysis can cause some discomfort and pain during treatment when the electric current is killing the hair follicle but it should not last longer than a few minutes after the treatment has ended.

With both treatment methods a viable option, laser hair removal provides the most obvious benefits. You’re able to spread out treatments and require fewer sessions to achieve the same results as electrolysis. That said, you’re only problem may be finding a practitioner with an opening in her schedule!

Laser hair removal is becoming cheaper and more available nationwide. Local practitioners and laser hair removal cost information can be found at permanent laser hair removal clinics.

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Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Laser Hair Removal For Men
By Steve Valentino

It is interesting to note that almost 50 percent of laser hair removal clients are men. Men see lasers as being the perfect alternative to shaving or waxing when it comes to removing unwanted hair from the back, chest and legs. Other hair removal methods can be quite costly, time consuming and painful. Laser hair removal removes large amounts of hair with one laser “pulse” and with relatively little pain.

Laser hair removal can permanently take off unwanted back hair. A “pulse” or shot of laser light takes care of the hair in the growth or “anagen” stage in less than a second. One laser pulse can treat an area the size of a coin. The complete removal of back hair could take about an hour. With a session every six weeks, after eight or so sittings, permanent hair removal from the back area can be achieved. A laser hair removal session could cost around $750. Prices differ broadly because of the varying amounts of hair in different clients. A client has to pay around $5,500 for the total treatment. Eventually, not only will permanent hair removal be achieved, but also time and money will be saved.

Laser is also a popular alternative for the removal of unwanted chest hair. Each treatment will take roughly an hour, and after five or six treatments, the results are more than satisfactory. Hair removal through laser use is the best way to go, especially when you consider the painful alternative of having to wax the hair off every six weeks. Electrolysis is another option, but the treatment could last a long time, and the cost can be exorbitant. Electrolysis takes about a hundred hours to treat the back area. There is also quite a bit of pain involved in electrolysis. In comparison, there is less pain with laser hair removal and it only takes about an hour to treat the back.

Laser hair removal treatment can get rid of unwanted hair on the face and legs. A session could take an hour and half, and the client can achieve permanent hair reduction after four to eight sittings.

Laser Hair Removal provides detailed information on Laser Hair Removal, Affordable Laser Hair Removal, Laser Hair Removal Costs, Laser Hair Removal Machines and more. Laser Hair Removal is affiliated with Permanent Hair Removal.

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Sunday, May 14, 2006

Laser Hair Removal: Know the Provider Qualifications
By Kelly Jensen

Laser hair removal is a fast-growing procedure that's helping thousands of people get rid of unwanted hair. The latest procedure uses intensed pulsed light (IPL) to destroy hair follicles and prevent the growth of follicles and hair for an extended period of time. Laser hair removal has been so popular because of its preciseness and success rates. If you're considering laser hair removal, your first step is to find someone who's qualified to perform the procedure. It's important that they be qualified and experienced to provide a high-quality procedure.

Finding Laser Hair Removal Specialists

Locating your laser hair removal specialist is not difficult. Make sure he or she is Board Certified in Dermatology. If more than one specialist is working at the office, find out if each is certified. If another member of the doctor's staff will be performing the procedure, that person should be a registered nurse or licensed physician to ensure proper care and use of the laser equipment. The facility where your procedure will be performed should be clean and professional. Ask for a tour of the facility and where your procedure will take place if possible. Take special care in choosing your specialist because laser hair removal is a medical procedure, and should be treated as such.

State Requirements for Laser Hair Removal

Each state varies in how laser hair removal can be performed. You'll need to know what your state requires and make sure your specialist understands this as well. The state requirements are broken down into four categories. Each category specifies how and by whom the procedure can be performed within that particular state. A brief explanation of each category is below.

1) Physician Only: A medical doctor (MD) or Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (DO) must actually fire the laser. Then, the doctor may ask a PA, RN or other licensed professional to use laser during the hair removal procedure.

2) Direct: The laser can be fired by a medical or non-medical professional (according to the state's requirements), but the professional must remain under the direct supervision of the MD or DO, and also use the license and practice of the doctor.

3) Supervision: A medical or non-medical professional can fire the laser and perform the procedure under the supervision of a MD or DO. Depending on the state, the physician might or might not be present when the laser hair removal procedure is performed.

4) N/A: The state has no official requirements for laser hair removal procedures.

*Below is a list of states and their general requirements for based on the four above definitions. Check within your own state, however, to obtain more detailed requirements.

Alabama: Direct
Alaska: Supervision
Arizona: Supervision
Arkansas: Supervision
California: Direct
Colorado: Supervision
Connecticut: Direct
Delaware: Physician Only
Florida: Supervision
Georgia: Supervision
Hawaii: Physician Only
Idaho: Supervision
Illinois: Supervision
Indiana: Physician Only
Iowa: Supervision
Kansas: Supervision
Kentucky: Supervision
Louisiana: Supervision
Maine: Physician Only
Maryland: Physician Only
Massachusetts: Direct
Michigan: Supervision
Minnesota: Supervision
Mississippi: Supervision
Missouri: Supervision
Montana: Physician Only
Nebraska: Direct
Nevada: Supervision
New Hampshire: Physician Only
New Jersey: Physician Only
New Mexico: Physician Only
New York: N/A
North Carolina: Supervision
North Dakota: Direct
Ohio: Supervision
Oklahoma: Direct
Oregon: Supervision
Pennsylvania: Direct
Rhode Island: Supervision
South Carolina: Direct
South Dakota: Supervision
Tennessee: N/A
Texas: Supervision
Utah: Direct
Vermont: Supervision
Virginia: Direct
Washington: Supervision
West Virginia: Supervision
Wisconsin: Supervision
Wyoming: Supervision

*State requirements as shown at the Web site of Rocky Mountain Laser College of Denver, Colorado.

Laser hair removal can be a simple, pleasant process if you find the right doctor. You can usually locate professionals in your local telephone directory, online or by consulting with your own family doctor. If you take the time to locate a doctor that's right for you, you'll be more satisfied with your results. You can see that unwanted hair disappear in no time!

Written by Kelly Jensen for, an extensive information site regarding laser hair removal, cosmetic procedures, and skin beauty tips. For answers to other general questions you may want to review this Laser Hair Treatmet article.

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Friday, May 12, 2006

Choosing A Hair Removal System
by Susan Green

So many stray hairs, so little time to tweeze all of them! So goes the problem of every John and Jane who are not satisfied with some unsightly hair that grows in certain body parts.

People who get annoyed with their unsightly stray hairs do everything to get rid of them including painful tweezing and waxing and even threading. Others opt for the bleaching remedy to keep these unsightly hairs from being the center of anyone's attention.

A person's "hair-possibilities", meaning the maximum number of hair gland cells you are going to have in your lifetime, is already determined from birth. This is the reason why people who have more or less hair should blame it on genetics.

Except for hairs located in a person's head, lashes or eyebrows, the hair glands actually produced very thin hairs that are barely seen. As a person grows older, usually during and after the adolescent stage, he can find more hair growing in his body particularly in the underarm and in the genitals.

While men usually consider having lesser hair a problem, females find the growth of more hair particularly in their underarm, legs and face more problematic. For one, these stray hairs are not only unsightly but they also tend to project females who have them as more masculine. Women who have moustache-like hair on their upper lip sometimes resort to drastic measures to contain the hair growth.

There are various ways to temporarily stop hair growth like tweezing, cutting, threading and waxing. Some people associate new and thicker hair growths due to these processes. However, such belief is not true because hair growth is influenced by hormones and there is no way tweezing can induce more hair growth.

Waxing and threading can be expensive when you have it done in a beauty parlor. It can also be embarrassing for first-timers who have to expose all the stray hairs that have grown in the wrong places. A lot of do-it-yourself products are now available in the market to help vain men and women get rid of their unsightly hairy problems.

These products are easy to find and they can be bought without prescriptions in groceries and pharmacies. People can now choose from a variety of foam, gel, cream or liquid hair removal products. Most are easy to apply except waxing products which require a certain level of experience and skill. For those who have the time and the budget, they can go to dermatologist clinics where they can avail of electrolysis and laser removal treatments.

Before undergoing these hair removal methods, you must make sure that the person who will do the procedure is a certified one and that the clinic has the necessary first aid supplies in case of burning. Hair removal methods are usually safe when performed by doctors but it is better to be cautious since there are people who really end up with burned legs after having their leg hairs removed.

Of course if you do not want to spend more or face the consequences of getting burned, you can still get rid of your unsightly hairs by resorting to the age-old technique of shaving.

The author is a regular contributor to So Long Hair where additional information is available related to various hair removal systems.

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Thursday, May 11, 2006

Laser Hair Removal - ten tips
by Barry Hooper

1. Tanning, either from a bottle or from the sun, is not recommended just before laser hair removal. Darker skin soaks up the light of the laser before it reaches the follicle, thus reducing its effectiveness.

2. When you schedule your appointment for laser hair removal, remember that it is far more effective to undertake the procedure in the growth phase of the hair cycle, so shave the area to be treated three or four days before your appointment, so that there is visible active stubble.

3. After a treatment, the laser leaves the hair follicles open for several days. An antibacterial cream or lotion applied will prevent skin blemishes. Speak to your technician about this before you schedule an appointment.

4. If your skin is naturally dark, you may risk skin discoloration using this method of hair removal since many types of laser machines search for melanin. Melanin is the pigment, or color, found in hair and skin.

5. Ensure that you undergo a skin patch test before agreeing to any laser hair removal treatment. The patch test should be in a low-visibility area with skin the same type and hair density as the intended treatment area.

6. Allow three or four days after patch testing, to assess the efficiency of the test and any possible reaction. The skin patch result will help the technician decide upon the correct laser settings for you.

7. Practice due diligence in researching which type of laser treatment and which clinic is right for your individual needs.

8. Laser hair removal treatment will only work on hair in the anagen or active growth phase of hair growth, this phase usually lasts at least a year, and up to 85% of our hair is in that phase at any given time.

9. The technician controls and customizes your treatment to minimize discomfort. They can vary the strength of the beam, called the 'fluence', for different skin types. The delay between pulses will allow the surrounding skin to cool.

10. Laser hair removal is considered safe if performed correctly, by a trained and experienced technician, using the proper equipment. It is useful for large areas such as the back or legs and hair re-growth is usually lighter in color and finer in texture.

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Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Laser Hair Removal - Is It For You?
By Michael Russell

Unwanted hairs or hairs in unwanted places can be a real source of heartache for anyone. Hair growth on the body generally differs from person to person for several reasons, but what seems to bring everybody together, as far as unwanted hair growth is concern, is that everybody wants the most effective way to get rid of these hairs with minimum pain and price.

There are several hair removal processes and each comes with its successes and side effects. Electrolysis and shaving seems to be the oldest hair removal procedures. Unlike shaving, electrolysis seems to be more painful, tends to damage the skin, especially delicate skin and the rate at which the hairs grow back is another concern. Shaving is a far more acceptable hair removal procedure. In most cases, men content themselves with good shavers and it tends to be effective.

The epilator is a more technologically advanced hair removal product and it is especially good for delicate skins. That explains why it is preferred by ladies. They always come in a handy, compact size, easy to carry and removes hair from the root with much less pain compared to other hair removal methods.

When a permanent hair removal product is what you want, then the laser hair removal process is probably what you need. How does it work? The laser beam to be used for the hair removal is directed at the area to be treated. The dark pigments of the hair follicle absorb the light energy from the laser. As the follicular pigment absorbs more and more of this light energy, the follicle dies. So, it cannot grow hairs again.

However, your skin texture and hair color also determine your success with laser hair removal procedures. It is generally believed that the process works best for people whose hair color is darker than their skin color and work less in people with very light or fair skin. However, laser hair treatment is available for a wide array of needs, from a small area of upper lip hair removal for women to full body back hair removal for men.

There are different types of laser hair removal, so no general limitation can be placed on your eligibility or otherwise for the procedure. If you are interested in the procedure, you can always find out from your local laser clinic, what their services are and which process is applicable to you.

Besides, your skin and hair color, not having undergone a tanning session or having applied any other mode of hair removal are factors that could determine the success of hair removal treatment with a laser.

Most people who have undergone laser hair removal treatment generally have had very little to complain about, but you never can tell. You should expect some blistering or reddening of the skin after a laser removal treatment, though it is always short lived and not much cause for concern. You should also expect some dark spots and bumps formed by the death and scarring of the follicles by the light energy of the laser beam. This too will fade out in no time.

One last thing you should have in mind when contemplating laser hair removal treatment is that it is not a completely permanent treatment. Though, it keeps the hair at bay for a longer period of time compared to other hair removal processes, after some time, you should expect a re-growth of some hair, though this might be fairer or thinner and less worrisome.

Price is a factor to think about when contemplating laser hair removal treatment, but if you are sure it is what you want, the price should not be a problem, as long as you can afford it. Depending on the treatment type and the specialist involved, the prices generally range from a few hundred bucks to a couple of grand. Again, if it's what you want, the price is no problem.

Michael Russell Your Independent guide to Hair Removal

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Monday, May 08, 2006

Laser Hair Removal - Clinic

There are many important decisions to consider before opting for cosmetic laser hair removal. With the current trend for hairless, smooth skin, in both men and women, there are many unlicensed, untrained and unqualified practitioners around. There is also a substantial amount of misinformation on this subject.

It is up to you as the customer to practice due diligence and ensure that you receive top class treatment from a fully qualified practitioner. Firstly, ensure that the person who is actually going to be treating you has undergone specific training and is a Certified Laser Specialist (CLS). This qualification may vary from state to state and country to country. If you are in even the slightest doubt, contact your doctor for his or her recommendations.

Once you have a clinic in mind, go check it out. Go in, sit down, look around. Is it clean? Is it comfortable? Is there plenty of information available on all procedures and possible complications or side effects? Does the equipment look well maintained? Modern? Most clinics offer the initial consultation free of charge. This is basically a chat with a qualified technician, who will ascertain whether your expectations are realistic, and who will decide whether you are a suitable candidate for the procedure.

Before you go into the clinic for a general meeting, do your research. Check reliable sources of information online. Then cross-check to ensure that the information is accurate. Laser hair removal is a technique which uses high powered equipment. In untrained hands, it can be disastrous, causing serious skin damage.

While chatting to your technician, take note of whether the he or she appeared professional --- are they really interested in how the procedure would work for you? Or do they seem more interested in how much you will be paying?

Pay attention to the equipment. Make sure that the laser is licensed by the FDA for use as an instrument for laser hair removal. A motivated, interested and dedicated practitioner will be pleased to explain everything you need to know, and to answer every question you have. They will explain how they can minimize pain or discomfort.

Technology is changing fast, and being updated quickly, but at the present time, all lasers used for hair removal must be "long pulsed". The Alexandrite type of laser is very effective when the patient's skin is light and the hair is dark enough to attract the beam down deep into the hair follicle. Remember the skill of the practitioner is equally important as the machine. Proper training could well make the difference between you having permanent hair removal or having to have repeat treatments.

The second type of laser machine is Nd:YAG, ideally with a Q switch. It works on most skin types and this is the most efficient type of equipment for treating darker skin types, such as Asian, Hispanic and Middle Eastern. To use the traditional type laser on darker skins can result in serious burning or loss of skin pigmentation.

Spending some of your valuable free time researching laser hair removal will pay you back many times over, not to mention saving you possible pain and anguish. Put in the time now to locate a licensed qualified practitioner, and have the benefit of sleek smooth skin for many years to come.

lasser hair removal



Sunday, May 07, 2006

Laser Hair Removal - general information
by Barry Hooper

For those who follow fashion, and there are many who do, body hair removal is not a choice. Today's fashions demand a smooth, hair free body. And it seems that many women (and some men) will go to any lengths to get rid of what society says is "unsightly" body hair.

There are many methods, both old and new, to body hair removal, from shaving and plucking, to electrolysis and the latest trend, laser hair removal. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages.

There are several factors to consider when deciding which is the best method for you. A key factor to you may be cost --- laser hair removal is not cheap, but neither is electrolysis. And how much do you spend weekly (or twice weekly) on having a wax treatment? Laser hair removal does diminish and weaken hair re-growth, meaning you need less treatment.

Another factor you may wish to consider is the pain involved. This is a tricky one, because every individual perceives pain differently, and each person has a different pain threshold. Some people report feeling a mild pinching during treatment, others say it feels like being zapped with an elastic band. Others experience no pain or discomfort at all.

Another concern may be time. Shaving every couple of days can eat into your time and is messy, not to mention painful if you slip with the razor. Re-growth from shaving is quick, and the stubble tends to be sharp and prickly. Electrolysis is painful as well as expensive and exceptionally time consuming, since each individual hair is targeted. Re-growth is often mentioned as a problem in connection with electrolysis.

Another consideration is whether you are considered a good candidate for laser hair removal. Despite the hype and misinformation on the internet, it is not a miracle cure for all. Most types of cosmetic laser machines target melanin. This is the pigment or color in your skin and hair. Therefore those people whose skin is dark, i.e. those with more melanin in their skin, may find they experience skin discoloration after undergoing this type of laser treatment.

The ideal candidate for this non-invasive treatment is therefore someone with pale skin and dark hair. Typically the Irish combination of fair almost white skin, with dark brown or black hair and blue eyes is considered the most suitable type. The laser beam can clearly distinguish the dark hair (containing melanin) from the light skin.

But do not lose heart if laser hair removal is your last hope of keeping your skin smooth and silky. There are techniques which a skilled technician can apply to help maximize the efficiency of the treatment, and minimize the risks. Check out the links on this website to find a local skilled and qualified technician in your area.

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Saturday, May 06, 2006

Body Hair Removal - Your Choices
by Oliver Turner

If you suffer from unwanted hair and are looking for a body hair removal solution there are several options that you can choose from. These body hair removal options will safely remove the hair and in some cases can produce a permanent hair removal solution.

The first body hair removal option that is available to both men and women is shaving. Shaving is a very popular method of removing unwanted body hair but the downside is that hair can grow back very quickly.

Using a depilatory product is another form of body hair removal. This process chemically dissolves the hair but as with shaving the hair will return. Another downside to using a depilatory product is that many of these creams can cause irritations and skin tests are always recommended prior to use.

Waxing is another very popular method of body hair removal but as with shaving this is not a permanent hair removal solution. Waxing is also very painful but re-growth is slower.

Electrolysis as a form of body hair removal can in some cases prove to be a permanent hair removal solution. An electrical current is used to destroy hair follicles but several sessions are required and the results are not guaranteed. Electrolysis can also be very painful and only small areas can be treated at a time.

The last choice available for body hair removal is lazer hair removal. Using a laser hair removal treatment destroys hair follicles and results in permanent hair removal. A laser hair removal treatment can be used all over the body and large areas can be treated at a time. The only drawback with this body hair removal solution is the cost of laser hair removal which can be quite expensive. With lazer hair removal there is minimal pain unlike electrolysis which can be very painful and after a laser hair removal treatment the skin will heal quite quickly, usually within 20 minutes.

We offer the best independent hair removal source. Check us out on All about body hair removal on LeanderNet -

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Friday, May 05, 2006

Laser Hair Removal : Are you Afraid ?
by aaheroe

Today laser hair removal famous everywhere, the best Method for hair removal. But if you first time to use or try this method I think you must be feel little bit afraid . A few question that may be come from your mind, it will hurt ? or it will burn my skin??. Dont afraid, You can protect your self and dont afraid with laser hair removal.Medical experts say you should always make sure a doctor is right there, And if they won't let you speak to the doctor, you should walk away.

Before you go for a laser facial hair removal kindly consult your physician who can identify the best type of laser facial hair removal for your type of skin. You can opt for any laser. The type of laser that is to be used for facial hair removal has to be determined based on the type of skin a person has. This will be done by the doctor prior to the laser facial hair removal.

And will it hurt you? Answer is not!, laser technician offers topical anesthetic that numbs the skin or ice packs. Depending on the type of laser being used, a cool laser tip, gel, or spray is always used to increase comfort of the laser hair removal treatment. The laser's cooling system provides an additional anesthetic effect.

How about a few cases that Laser hair removal burn your skin??

The answer is find best Doctor! Some spas and salons advertise themselves as "physician-owned.", but not Guatanteed from them . You spend more money at Best doctor and you will get the best result .

aaheroe is a webmaster . For more information visit my blog

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Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Laser Hair Removal Machines
by Steve Valentino

The first laser hair removal device was the Soft Light Hair Removal System developed and manufactured by the Thermolase Corporation. Today, there are several laser hair removal machines on the market. The following are some the more common ones.

The long-pulse alexandrite laser has the propensity for deep access into that layer of the skin where the hair follicles are situated. The sustained heat that builds up in the shaft immobilizes the hair follicles that are in the active growth phase.

The diode laser is another highly competent machine that is made up of minute diodes or semiconductors that are set together to manufacture light. One advantage of the diode laser is the relatively longer wavelength than other machines used for laser hair removal. It is particularly beneficial to those people who are darker in skin color.

There are also light-based sources. Intense pulsed light devices function much like lasers. They use the "photoepilation process offering a wide range of light allowing the process to effectively work on a range of skin and hair colors and hair depth.

Q-Switched Nd:YAG laser gives off two varying wave lengths of light. The one used for deep penetration is the invisible infrared light, which can reach deep hair follicles. The green light is used for treating hair follicle closer to the surface of the skin. During both, the infrared and the green light treatments, the Q-Switched Nd: YAG device produces rapid bursts of light to the area being treated.

Ruby is a red-colored beam that is used to target the dark melanin (a dark biological pigment) in the hair follicles.

Laser Hair Removal provides detailed information on Laser Hair Removal, Affordable Laser Hair Removal, Laser Hair Removal Costs, Laser Hair Removal Machines and more. Laser Hair Removal is affliated with Permanent Hair Removal.

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Monday, May 01, 2006

Hair removal methods
by kalpana pochareddy at

Hair removal methods Methods of hair removal are varied these days, so choosing which method is best for you and your skin's needs is challenging. There are many effective methods, but some work better than others overall while others are ideal for a specific area on the body. What works well for facial hair, may not prove effective for the bikini area. Here are few of the available methods of removing unwanted body hair. Describes which methods work best and differentiates among shaving, waxing and cream depilatories.

Shaving: Cheap and easy, but needs to be done every couple of days. Do this in the bath or shower using a foam or shower gel and a good razor. (Note if your razor is clogged beyond repair, or rusting, it needs binning or you'll end up with cuts and infections.) Shave in smooth down-up movements (i.e. ankle-knee, breast-head). Moisturise legs afterwards.

Shaving, which is probably the most popular method of hair removal, is also one of the cheapest. Razors cost only a few bucks for a pack and they can be used more than once.The blade tends to dull after extended use and it also rusts easily. Overall, this product works for convenience and price. But the results are not long lasting.Typically, a clean shave from a razor will only last a day or two.Razors are suitable for use in removing hair on legs, underarms and the bikini area. Razors should not be used to remove facial hair, as the hair will grow back thicker and darker and will require regular maintenance. When using a razor, shave against the direction of hair growth to get the closest, cleanest shave. Soaking the area for three to five minutes in warm water will help open the skin's cuticle, which will help the razor glide easily over the skin. Soap or preferably, a shave gel, will help soften the skin as you shave.

Suitable for: Legs, underarms.

See our Razors & Refills products.

See our Shaving & Skin Care products.

Waxing: Ouch. And again Ouch! Now if that hasn't put you off, you must have heard of the promises of living three weeks fuzz-free. You may want to go to the salon rather than do it at home, so you don't bottle it halfway through. Waxing can leave redness, so get it done a couple of days before that hot date. If you do wax at home, read the instructions carefully first.

In order to wax, the hair needs to be long enough so that the wax can grasp the hairs. Wax is applied on the skin and the wax adheres to the hairs. A fabric strip, pressed on the skin, is pulled against the direction of the hair growth and the hair is pulled from the root. Waxing works well for hair removal for most areas including the legs, face,underarms and the bikini area. The process is a painful one, especially in delicate areas like the bikini area and the upper lip. Not only is waxing painful, but it can be costly and time consuming, since the typical wax lasts up to six weeks and needs maintenance. But the end result can be worth all these pitfalls, especially when other methods of hair removal require daily or weekly upkeep.

Suitable for: Legs, bikini line, eyebrows (if done professionally).

Depilatory creams: The major downside of creams is that they smell nasty, and this smell lingers both on you, your towels and your bathroom. They can also burn if you get them in the wrong places, they're prone to patchiness, and they need to be used every three days or so. Normally you apply cream thickly and evenly over the area, wait around five minutes, check a small area to see if the hair comes off, and if not wait a while longer (but no more than 10 minutes) before removing it all with a damp flannel. Read the pack instructions to be certain, and do a test patch first in case of a reaction.

Cream depilatories, such as Nair, can be used to remove hair from arms, legs, the bikini area and even the face. Some people have great success with Nair, a product that breaks down hair growth beneath the surface of the skin. Others complain that the lotion doesn't fully remove all the hairs and acts better as a skin softener. The product is applied to dry skin and wiped off with a wet cloth in a short span of time, usually 10 to 15 minutes. The result can last up to a week and most depilatories are cheap, costing under $10 a bottle. If this method works well at removing hair, it can be a savvy product, especially since the maintenance is not too taxing and the price is reasonable.Burning skin can be a drawback. Depilatories should not be used.

Suitable for: Legs, bikini line, underarms.

Bleaching: Not a removal technique as such, more an effective disguise, bleaching lasts between 2 and 4 weeks. It involves lightening the hair on your face/ arms in much the same way as you would go bottle blond. Salon prices are normally only a few quid, so go see the professionals.

Suitable for: Arms, facial hair.

See our Depilatories, Waxes & Bleaches products.

Sugaring: This technique is supposed to be less painful than waxing, plus you can wash and reuse the cotton strips. Test a small area first in case of allergy. You warm the sugaring mixture by placing in hot water, when it becomes spreadable, apply it in the direction of your hair growth. Then cover with cotton strips and pull the strips in the opposite direction of hair growth. Results last a few weeks.

Suitable for: legs, bikini line, eyebrows (professionally).

Laser hair removal: This new treatment deactivates the hair follicles by laser causing each hair to fall out. After a few treatments whole areas of the body can be left permanently hair-free, apparently. Works best on dark hair.

Suitable for: Most places including bikini line, back, arms, legs, underarms, face.

if you have sensitive skin. Your skin can burn or get irritated easily, especially if you use anti-acne products. But for a quick fix in covering dark hair, bleaching may work. When it comes to banishing that dark or thick hair, one of the other methods--waxing, shaving, depilatories, tweezing or electrolysis is recommended.

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