Hair removal methods
by kalpana pochareddy at
Hair removal methods Methods of hair removal are varied these days, so choosing which method is best for you and your skin's needs is challenging. There are many effective methods, but some work better than others overall while others are ideal for a specific area on the body. What works well for facial hair, may not prove effective for the bikini area. Here are few of the available methods of removing unwanted body hair. Describes which methods work best and differentiates among shaving, waxing and cream depilatories.
Shaving: Cheap and easy, but needs to be done every couple of days. Do this in the bath or shower using a foam or shower gel and a good razor. (Note if your razor is clogged beyond repair, or rusting, it needs binning or you'll end up with cuts and infections.) Shave in smooth down-up movements (i.e. ankle-knee, breast-head). Moisturise legs afterwards.
Shaving, which is probably the most popular method of hair removal, is also one of the cheapest. Razors cost only a few bucks for a pack and they can be used more than once.The blade tends to dull after extended use and it also rusts easily. Overall, this product works for convenience and price. But the results are not long lasting.Typically, a clean shave from a razor will only last a day or two.Razors are suitable for use in removing hair on legs, underarms and the bikini area. Razors should not be used to remove facial hair, as the hair will grow back thicker and darker and will require regular maintenance. When using a razor, shave against the direction of hair growth to get the closest, cleanest shave. Soaking the area for three to five minutes in warm water will help open the skin's cuticle, which will help the razor glide easily over the skin. Soap or preferably, a shave gel, will help soften the skin as you shave.
Suitable for: Legs, underarms.
See our Razors & Refills products.
See our Shaving & Skin Care products.
Waxing: Ouch. And again Ouch! Now if that hasn't put you off, you must have heard of the promises of living three weeks fuzz-free. You may want to go to the salon rather than do it at home, so you don't bottle it halfway through. Waxing can leave redness, so get it done a couple of days before that hot date. If you do wax at home, read the instructions carefully first.
In order to wax, the hair needs to be long enough so that the wax can grasp the hairs. Wax is applied on the skin and the wax adheres to the hairs. A fabric strip, pressed on the skin, is pulled against the direction of the hair growth and the hair is pulled from the root. Waxing works well for hair removal for most areas including the legs, face,underarms and the bikini area. The process is a painful one, especially in delicate areas like the bikini area and the upper lip. Not only is waxing painful, but it can be costly and time consuming, since the typical wax lasts up to six weeks and needs maintenance. But the end result can be worth all these pitfalls, especially when other methods of hair removal require daily or weekly upkeep.
Suitable for: Legs, bikini line, eyebrows (if done professionally).
Depilatory creams: The major downside of creams is that they smell nasty, and this smell lingers both on you, your towels and your bathroom. They can also burn if you get them in the wrong places, they're prone to patchiness, and they need to be used every three days or so. Normally you apply cream thickly and evenly over the area, wait around five minutes, check a small area to see if the hair comes off, and if not wait a while longer (but no more than 10 minutes) before removing it all with a damp flannel. Read the pack instructions to be certain, and do a test patch first in case of a reaction.
Cream depilatories, such as Nair, can be used to remove hair from arms, legs, the bikini area and even the face. Some people have great success with Nair, a product that breaks down hair growth beneath the surface of the skin. Others complain that the lotion doesn't fully remove all the hairs and acts better as a skin softener. The product is applied to dry skin and wiped off with a wet cloth in a short span of time, usually 10 to 15 minutes. The result can last up to a week and most depilatories are cheap, costing under $10 a bottle. If this method works well at removing hair, it can be a savvy product, especially since the maintenance is not too taxing and the price is reasonable.Burning skin can be a drawback. Depilatories should not be used.
Suitable for: Legs, bikini line, underarms.
Bleaching: Not a removal technique as such, more an effective disguise, bleaching lasts between 2 and 4 weeks. It involves lightening the hair on your face/ arms in much the same way as you would go bottle blond. Salon prices are normally only a few quid, so go see the professionals.
Suitable for: Arms, facial hair.
See our Depilatories, Waxes & Bleaches products.
Sugaring: This technique is supposed to be less painful than waxing, plus you can wash and reuse the cotton strips. Test a small area first in case of allergy. You warm the sugaring mixture by placing in hot water, when it becomes spreadable, apply it in the direction of your hair growth. Then cover with cotton strips and pull the strips in the opposite direction of hair growth. Results last a few weeks.
Suitable for: legs, bikini line, eyebrows (professionally).
Laser hair removal: This new treatment deactivates the hair follicles by laser causing each hair to fall out. After a few treatments whole areas of the body can be left permanently hair-free, apparently. Works best on dark hair.
Suitable for: Most places including bikini line, back, arms, legs, underarms, face.
if you have sensitive skin. Your skin can burn or get irritated easily, especially if you use anti-acne products. But for a quick fix in covering dark hair, bleaching may work. When it comes to banishing that dark or thick hair, one of the other methods--waxing, shaving, depilatories, tweezing or electrolysis is recommended.
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