Laser Hair Removal Toronto, Canada
by Toronto Web Services
Nobody wants unwanted hair, neither do you. Apart from being irritating out of there mere existence, they can, at times leave you feeling embarrassed to an extent only you can imagine. Unwanted hair no more stand as a nightmare now. Laser Hair Removal treatment offered in Toronto helps you get rid of them all.
{a href=}Laser Hair Removal in Toronto, Canada is a procedure that makes use of laser light (which is an intense, pulsating light beam) to eradicate unwanted hair. The unwanted hair is removed by passing a light beam through the skin. The laser beam targets melanin (a dark pigment found in the hair). As soon as the Laser light beam hits the hair follicle, the intense heat destroys the hair follicle instantly. The lasers used in Laser Hair Removal are revolutionary long-pulse high energy alexandrite and ND-Yag lasers, which emit a gentle beam of light that passes through the skin to the hair follicle where it is absorbed. The laser energy is transformed into heat, which destroys the hair follicle leaving the surrounding skin unaffected. The Laser Hair Removal treatment in Toronto involves the use of a Dynamic Cooling Device which further protects the skin during treatment where cryogen is sprayed onto the skin cooling the upper layers and providing patients with increased comfort. The Laser Hair Removal treatment performed at The Baywood Clinic is a state of the art process to ensure your satisfaction, taking complete care of your comfort.
The Laser Hair Removal treatment safely & permanently removes unwanted body hair without damaging the delicate pores and structures of the skin. Facial and bikini areas are usually completed in under ten minutes; legs, backs and larger areas can take longer. The degree of discomfort varies with each person. Topical anesthesia may also be requested based on individual preferences or tolerances. Over 90% of patients tolerate the procedure without the aid of any anesthetic in Laser Hair Removal. The resultant is a smooth, soft, supple skin for you to flaunt and everyone else to admire or envy as the case may be!
While offering Laser Hair Removal, we are completely dedicated to provide the best results to our customers, the results that not just satisfy them, but delight them. The Mission Statement of Baywood clinic is- The practice philosophy of The Baywood Clinic is to provide comprehensive Laser & Cosmetic Medicine for men and women, and to establish close personal relationships with our patients, in order to provide the best possible care. Cosmetic and Laser Medicine are serious medical treatments - you can trust our experience and count on our commitment to caring for you as your physicians.
For a complete makeover as far as your confidence level is concerned, we have our Laser Hair Removal Toronto clinic, conveniently located in Downtown Toronto. Do drop in or Just Call 416 515-0007 today, for a free Laser Hair Removal consultation with the doctor!
Toronto Web Services 25 Dunblaine Avenue Toronto, Ontario Canada - M5M 2R6 Tel: 416 826 0660 Email : Website :
About the Author
The Baywood Clinic's experienced Board Certified Plastic Surgeon offers remarkably quick recovery time for all procedures including breast implants, liposuction, minimally invasive face-lifts and brow-lifts, acne scars, and much more
Labels: laser hair removal
lasser hair removal
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