Laser Hair Removal and What is Involved
by Dr. Wayne Wertheim of Advanced Laser Are you tired of having to shave hair in unwanted areas of your face or body? Then laser hair removal just might be the treatment that you need. Laser hair removal is a treatment that is designed to permanently reduce or eliminate hair from places that you never wanted hair to begin with. Believe it or not, but both men and women have unwanted hair and it is actually a very common problem. Sure, you can always shave, wax, or even tweeze unwanted hair but those are only temporary solution. Laser hair removal can permanently solve your problem with unwanted hair. Since laser hair removal can be used to get rid of hair in both small and large areas, this means that this treatment can be used on any part of the body without danger. Follow these steps and you will be on your way... 1. Go to a doctor or specialist in laser treatments 2. Have your problem assessed by one of our trained staff 3. Have the area of hair shaved, cleaned and anesthetized with a special cream 4. Allow the consultant to apply the laser on that area Laser Hair Removal is a simple and safe procedure. Here is a little bit more information so you can be an informed client. - highly concentrated beams pulse from the laser then they are absorbed in the pigment which is found in hair follicles. The laser damages the surrounding follicles so hair will not grow again in that area. At first you will experience a little discomfort from the treatment but not painful. It lasts anywhere from a few minutes to an hour, depending on how large the treated area will be. Any redness or swelling that occurs will disappear quickly. You will be left with your smooth skin minus the unwanted hair. About the Author The goal of Advanced Laser is to give our patients a healthier, fresher look and feel, one that will give them a renewed sense of confidence and restore their sense of self-esteem. Learn more about
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